You have to talk about America (united state)
Country Assignment
You would have been assigned with a country in Seminar 2. Since you are assigned with a country you are becoming a delegate of this country presenting its position during the NU MUN discussion and you are requested to produce a position paper.
Guiding Questions for the position paper and the discussion:
Youth unemployment as a socio-economic challenge in your country:
? Antecedents /baseline conditions
? Consequences
? Solutions to the problem of youth unemployment in your country.
Position Paper
Write a 250 words paper summarizing the position of your country. A Position Paper literally communicates the position of a country on a particular topic. A Position Paper should be clear, concise and backed up by facts and figures. A Position Paper should not describe the issue but rather the countrys position on the issue. It should be clearly stated in the conclusion the position of the country on the issue.
A Position Paper should be done on the basis of your own research undertaken using a variety of sources: academic journals, official documents, websites and relevant books. It would be useful to search through the databases of the UN and familiarise yourself with resolutions the country, you are representing, voted in favour and which against. You have to look in the current news what actions the country is taking.
A Position paper is an academic piece of work which should be written according to academic standards (in terms of style, resources used, structure and referencing). You should use minimum 5 references of the relevant sources.
We do NOT expect any graphs, tables, diagrams to be presented in your position paper.
Example of a position paper and a position paper guide can be found here:
More on the issue of youth employment can be found here: