Grading Rubric GradeMax = 10 Description (length is not really an issue for the response; of import is an overt and detailed indication that the text has been comprehensively read, questioned, and understood. Please cite your sources.) 10 Well-articulated response that illustrates interrogation and comprehension of the text. Response raises interesting questions regarding the text. 9 Well-articulated response that illustrates interrogation and comprehension of the text. 8 Response illustrates interrogation and comprehension of the text. 7 Response illustrates that the text has been read, but there are indications of difficulty with comprehension. Language issues may also be present. 6 Minimal indication that the text has been read. Significant language issues that impede readers comprehension may also be present.
You have now read the Krashen & Brown essay on Academic Language Proficiency, and you have read the introduction to Contexts for Inquiry that likewise addresses the topic of academic writing. Conseque Academic Essay
August 8th, 2017 admin