Whether or not Columbus Day should be celebrated
Paper details:
From the syllabus:
“1. Choose a lecture that interests you and identify a big idea addressed (as in “democracy”, “nature’s systems”, “power”, “religion”, “man/nature connections”, “tyranny”, “town design”, “the grid and it’s values” etc. etc.). (“the past”)”
Clear identification of an idea or issue as related to a lecture. Idea is explored in greater depth and thoroughly researched; paper shows knowledge exceeding that of material presented in class. Context has been established and described. (30 pts)
Pts earned: x /30
2. Relate the ideas of that lecture to another book or article of contemporary thinking on the same topic as a secondary source. (“the present”)
Paper demonstrates competency in research skills appropriate for a University-level student. This secondary source will be critical in bridging (or forging) the gap in time eras, from the past to present by providing a vehicle for further discussion of the “big idea.” (30 pts)
multiple sources used
Pts earned: x/30
3. Summarize the relationship of ideas past and present, and how both might have an influence on your thinking, ideas, your personal past or future, or contemporary issues. (“your world”). (30 pts) ?Comments:
Pts earned: x/30
?4. Additionally, the secondary source must be properly cited (citation style of your choosing). The paper is to be a thoughtful composition with the 3 components clearly identifiable and appropriately cited. ?Research papers must be two pages minimum. 11 pt. Times font, single space, 1-inch margins. The composition is well formulated, clearly articulated, presented professionally; no spelling or grammar errors, all sources, title given, student/date identified, submitted as a Word document (10 pt.)?Comments:??Pts earned: x /10?
Total pts. earned: X/100?