, you should examine your own educational past in order to make a larger argument about what you see to be the root problem (or problems) of our educational crises. In pondering your educational past, you should obviously think about your formal education (schooling). Your purpose in this essay is to convince readers of your view by showing them how the experience(s) affected you and led you to form a specific view of or opinion about education, and/or an opinion about why, in general, Americans remain happily undereducated or happily poorly educated.
You need to incorporate information from at least two of the sources we’ve read this semester to make your argument (document it, of course), but you will also need to develop evidence by drawing upon your own experiences, observations, and critical thinking. Unless you get permission from me, you are to use only the assigned texts for your sources, no additional sources. Your essay should be no shorter than four full, double-spaced pages, excluding the Works Cited page.
what you see to be the root problems of our educational crises
August 14th, 2017 admin