What are the differences between extreme programming and agile methodology?
Paper details:
1 page. AT LEAST 3 references cited in APA. References cannot be books or websites. Journal Articles ONLY. Assignment is submitted through SafeAssign for plagiarism check.
References: Please do NOT just copy and paste the “APA” reference from what the search engine program produces. 90% of the time they will be in the wrong format because they are not using a transformation algorithm, just placeholders. Here are some examples:
Smith, J. (2012) The article title, Name of Journal, 24(11)
Name: Last names have first letter only capitalized. First names are never used, only the first initial in upper-case followed by a period. Commas between names if multiple authors.
Year: in parentheses. If more than one article by the same author in a given year, use a,b,c,etc. for each successive one.
Title: ONLY the first letter of the first word is capitalized. The only exceptions are for acronyms or proper names.
Journal name: In italics. Capitalize the first letter of first word and all major words.
Volume: In italics and JUST the number.
Number or Issue: In parentheses, just the number, and next to the volume number.
Note that page numbers are optional and if used are in the form p.123