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Referencing: OSCOLA only
Essay Question: In what circumstances can a state lawfully resort to the use of military force in response to an attack from a non-state actor?
Keep in mind that the bibliography does not include judgements, interviews primary sources
bibliography only includes secondary sources
This question is intended as a question about self defense- whether article 51 allows self defense from attack from a non state actor
look at opinions of ICJ relevant information there
Palestinian wall (criticism of majority by judge hidgins)
Feedback: You need to work more on your essay plan. As it is, there are several irrelevant parts and you do not focus sufficiently on what should be the only object of your analysis which is whether there is a right of self-defense against armed attacks by non-state actors. which article supports this? which interpretation of the article? In particular, I recommend that you discuss the unable/unwilling standard. You need to be accurate and pay attention to clarity of expression.