Order Description
In 2,500 to 5,000 words, this individual paper should review one of of the following topics:
1. Reflect on what you personally view to be the greatest threats and opportunities you’ll face in your engineering career, and how you will address / capitalize on them.
2. Discuss the role of technology in society, with a particular view to emerging technologies that may influence societal standards. For example, the role of drones; medical robotics; automated cars; genetics.
3. Consider a professional engineering ethics case study including a description of the circumstances, the outcome, the ethical and moral reasoning, and reccomendations for avoiding similar cirumstances in your own career. For example, the Volkswagon emissions testing defeat software case study.
4. Another topic that you pre-clear with me prior to the deadline.
The essay should be supported by references.
Note: “Please do choose the third option, the case study for ethics. If you want to choose another one though, it’s up to you 🙂