Topic: How useful is the propaganda Model, in terms of how it provides a means for understanding and studying media power? Why do you think so?
Order Description
How useful is the propaganda Model, in terms of how it provides a means for understanding and studying media power? Why do you think so?
This course and its assessment tasks are based on encouraging critical thinking, and NOT a simple regurgitation of reading material. You are expected to engage with the readings and course materials to date, as well as any other relevant research you wish to bring in.
What do you think? Why? Can you effectively draw on relevant perspectives, issues, and research, to substantiate and/or rationalize your response? Can you write and structure a coherent, articulate, and conceptually sound response?
Assessment Criteria:
??Proper and fluent written expression.
??A sophisticated understanding of relevant concepts, perspectives, and issues.
??Develops an articulate, coherent and effectively argued response to the question.
??Engages effectively and in sufficient depth with relevant research material.
??Accurate and properly presented referencing.