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I just need one page simple method that addresses the following points. Thanks
The goal of this study is to determine the connection between deforestation and precipitation.
Our method consisted of two parts.
1) Past data analysis study: Study the correlation between rainfall rate and deforestation from past weather record of the Amazon rainforest for the past 30 years.
Using weather records, satellite images, and other researches.
Related research:
2) Experimental study: Additionally, we will be conducting further studies by measure annual rainfall rate for the next 20 years in regions of Amazon rain forest that are currently still being developed. We will be focusing on the Statetate of Rondonia (west part of Brazil). We will be using weather satellite to monitor the precipitation rate on a daily base. We will also deporting about 300 Self Contained Automatic Logging Rain Gauges in the area (over 9700 square miles) to monitor the rainfall level. The rain gauges will be placed on top of the trees in order to measure the precipitation rate acutely. Measurement will be taken weekly.
Study only one region of the Amazon forest over a long period of time in order to minimize the confounding variable
Correlation test will be performed to determine if there is any correlation between deforestation and precipitation level.
The cost of this experiment is going to be huge. Rain gauge alone can cause more than $50000, this is not counting using satellite, rain gauge installation and other related expenses.
Using satellite to measure precipitation