Title: The art of space in musical composition
The importance of spatialization, explaining how elements are used by different composers.
Pieces are as follows:
Fantasia-Vaughn Williams
Sonic Landscape no.3-Barry Traux
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Structure: The project should have a logical ‘progressive’ structure, normally
beginning with an introduction, followed by a small number of main sections on
focussed aspects of the topic, and a conclusion. It is useful to produce a draft plan of
the structure of your project quite early on, with estimated word limits for each
The introductory section(s) should do the following:
1. explain the main aims of the project and offer a thesis-statement
2. review the important work of previous writers in this field and position your own
work clearly in relation to this
The conclusion should do the following:
1. briefly summarise the main thrust of your argument
2. then go on to offer a ‘real’ conclusion – the answer to your research questions
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