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The China Syndrome-1979

The China Syndrome-1979
Order Description
The China Syndrome-1979 Movie

• The required format of the paper is:

NOTE: Label each section for clarity. Minimum 6 –full pages minimum, from after Abstract through Conclusion. Use the headings noted below, and include all required information where noted. Although this document is shown in outline form, your paper will be written in paragraph form.

• Cover Page
• Abstract of paper
• Introduction
• Movie’s two (2) separate and distinct, gender workplace themes; plot, copyright date, date in which movie takes place, location(s) of events in movie. This should be only one (1) page.
• Gender workplace theme one:
• Description of theme with three (3) examples of events/facts in the movie that demonstrate the theme. You must use the themes from the list below, under “the information to use” section.
• Specifically relate, connect this movie issue and example facts to:
• Powell (2011) correlation
• University’s Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) United States Cultures (US) objectives correlation, you must use the themes from the list below, under “the information to use” section.
• Catholic Social teaching (CST) principles correlation from “the information to use” section.
• Entrepreneurial skills (ES) component of the university’s Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) from “the information to use” section.
• Gender workplace theme two:
• Description of theme with three (3) different events/ facts (from above) in the movie that demonstrate the theme. You must use the themes from “the information to use” section.
• Specifically relate, connect this movie issue and example facts to*
• Powell (2011) correlation
• University’s Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) United States Cultures (US) objectives correlation (from “the information to use” section.
• Catholic Social teaching (CST) principles correlation from “the information to use” section.
• Entrepreneurial skills (ES) component of the university’s Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) (from “the information to use” section.

*All correlations discussed in theme two have to be different than those used for your first theme.

1. By the end of the paper, by being woven into each issue’s analysis, all (both) textbooks are correlated to movie information, at least three (3) different US Culture objectives are connected to movie information, at least two (2) different Catholic Social Teaching Principles are correlated to movie issues, and two (2) different Entrepreneurial Skills are connected to movie themes. Correlations need to be substantive.
2. By the end of the paper: Describe how the fact that this film is set in the USA, a country that espouses democratic principles and has very diverse cultures, influences the characters and/or plot and themes of the movie. Specifically quote a section and reference one, at least of these: The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States.

3. Discuss the states (or primary state) in which your movie’s storyline occurs and some brief gender-related and/or demographic current facts. Discuss four of the following, in detail:
1) Current Demographic descriptions. Analyze the roles of race, class, ethnicity,
2) Workforce Participation by Gender and Unemployment rates by Gender
(3) Occupational breakdown, by gender, in Numbers, Percentages, Occupational
(4) Management Participation by Gender
(5) States’ three Main Employers By industry; and by specific employer names;
gender participation if possible
(6) The statistics about entrepreneurship and small business ownership, by gender,
types of businesses, and revenue
(7) State involvement in gender-related, workplace-based organizational responses
• Pay equity; Comparable Worth
• Discrimination Policies

• Conclusion
• Works Cited Page

For your information and use:
Writing/Citing Requirements

A) You must use the required textbooks with the required copyright date. (Powell, G. N. (2011). Women and Men in Management (paperback). 4th edition. Sage Publications).
B) Full, properly written, punctuated, business-format paragraphs are required.
C) APA formatting must be used, as adapted here.
D) NOTE: Students must follow Writing and Citing Requirements. If this isn’t done so, accurately and thoroughly, grade deductions will occur.
E) Only use academic sources. Most Internet sites are NOT academic. No Wikipedia, Payscale, Glassdoor and other anecdotal, self-report sites; no blogs, or other non-academic, inappropriate/irrelevant business sources.
F) Internal citations:
(I) For books, and articles
a. NOTE: If you purchase an e-book, when you correlate that material, you must in-text cite listing copyright date, chapter number(s), and page number(s). Quotes or close paraphrasing also require a paragraph number(s).
b. When in-text citing Powell, include the section name, chapter number, sub-section name, page # (and if quoting, the para #).
c. Your words….(list ALL name(s) of authors in order listed on cover page or first page, copyright year; section and name of which page of website; page # (for texts or pdf files), and para# (for books , a website or html).
1. The URL is not listed in an internal citation.
As ALL author(s) name(s) (copyright year) states, your words…. (Section, page and para#).
1. The URL is not listed in an internal citation.
G) Works Cited (Reference section):
a. Website: List name, copyright year, section name, publication (such as a journal name, New York Times, etc.,) Retrieved when, from (such as Reeves EBSChost, Business Search Elite), page or paragraph #, and the URL.
b. Lecture: Giunta (2015, Topic, Date and week #). Course #, Course title, Greensburg, PA: Seton Hill University.
c. Place all sources in alphabetical order.
Gender Workplace-Based Themes that Relevant to the Movie Paper: Only these themes are used for the paper

1) Based upon gender, total rewards discrimination-pay discrimination -pay inequity

Household income (+ or -) caused by societal expectations for gender- based employment

Income levels related to professions as possibly influenced by gender of job incumbent

2) Gender stereotyping, including gender-based job stereotyping, and socialization at work

Boss’ gender stereotyping as it impacts the subordinates

Expectations of who should monetarily care for whom based upon job, based upon gender AND its impact on the workplace

3) Gender-based Job/ Career Position Segregation

Physical labor (who does)

Nurturing professions (who does)

4) Balancing of work and family

Parental workplace responsibilities affecting quality child care

5) Pregnancy discrimination as it is demonstrated at the workplace or affects someone’s job

6) In appropriate “fraternization” with the opposite gender at work OR workplace sexual harassment-subset (Quid pro quo)

7) Career development and mentoring hindered or influenced by gender

8) Marital status: gender-based workplace issues

The Liberal Arts Curriculum US Cultures objectives. [Note, when referring to these, list the # below and the beginning of what the objective is.]
1. Explain the impact and importance of diverse perspectives when critically assessing a particular issue or event in the American experience.
2. Analyze the roles of race, class, ethnicity, and gender in current and past U.S. culture.
3. Use primary historical documents and artifacts to understand the development of American democratic principles.
4. Apply a geographical perspective to examine the relationship between U.S. cultures and their environment.
5. Enact a process of self-directed study, using non-classroom resources for a substantial independent research project.
6. Participate in an experiential learning activity that illustrates past or present struggles to democratic ideals in the United States.
Catholic Social Teaching Principles ([Note, when referring to these, list the # below and the beginning of what the principle is.)

1. Dignity of the Human Person
2. Common Good and Community
3. Rights and Responsibilities
4. Option for the Poor
5. Global Solidarity and Development
6. Promotion of Peace and Disarmament
7. Stewardship of God’s Creation
8. Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
9. Role of Government and Subsidiarity
10. Free Markets, Economic Initiative, and Private Property
Defines entrepreneurial skills as: [Note, when referring to these, list the # below and the beginning of what the objective is.]

1. Goal setting: the ability to define and prioritize short and long-term actions
2. Taking risks: making a realistic choice, not taking a gamble
3. Transferring knowledge into behavior: practicing what is learned
4. Developing life-long learning strategies: continuing to seek ways to expand and use knowledge
5. Making sound decisions: sound decision-making informed by values; executing decisions based on personal beliefs and social responsibility
6. Being flexible: responsive to change; adaptable
7. Working in teams: cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team in the interests of a common goal.
8. Presenting a professional image: Conveying an image, demeanor, dress appropriate to your career position
iPad apps:
1. Labor Stats (US DOL)
2. US States Complete
3. Constitution

Gender Workplace Issues and State-related Websites

1. Reeves Library, online, EBSCHost, state information and lawsuits information, references, state
2. USA Census Bureau: www.census.gov/ (your state abbreviation)
3. USA’s Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau
4. https://data.bls.gov/PDQ/outside.jsp?survey=sm
5. Individual Official, Main state websites
6. Determine if state has a woman’s commission
7. Working mother–State information https://www.workingmother.com
8. https://www.50states.com/
9. https://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/index.html
10. https://www.globalcomputing.com/states.html
11. https://www.factmonster.com/states.html/
12. History Channel https://www.history.com/topics/states
13. https://www.infoplease.com/states.html
14. https://www.house.gov/
15. https://www.firstgov.gov
16. https://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi-bin/page.cgi/es
17. https://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/U_S__States/
18. https://www.globalcomputing.com/states.html
19. https://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/
20. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html
21. https://www.nationalatlas.gov/
22. https://www.theus50.com/
23. https://www.findlaw.com/11stategov/
24. https://www.netstate.com/states/
25. State’s individual Department of Labor
26. https://www.iwp01r.org/ Research Policy
27. Select a state for large companies, for most admired companies, etc., through Fortune magazine https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2010/states/CA.html
28. Fact finder by state https://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFPeople?geo_id=&_geoContext=&_street=&_county=&_cityTown=&_state=&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on
29. town-usa.com (Reference the state’s major counties and then search—including within the Chamber of Commerce area— for major employers, economic reports, etc.)
30. USA federal Statistics www.fedstats.gov

31. NAFE Top companies for female executives. State headquarters listed
32. Catalyst www.catalystwomen.org.
33. http:www.state.[your state 2 letter abbreviation].us
34. http:www.commerce.state.[your state 2 letter abbreviation].us
35. www.hrworld.com/index.htm
36. www.nawbo.org National Association of Women Business Owners
37. www.sbaonline.sba.gov/womeninbusiness/hotlist/
38. www.senate.gov (for the Senate)
39. https://www.bpwusa.org/Business and professional Women/USA
40. www.dadsanddaughters.org
41. www.fatherville.com
42. National Committee on Pay Equity https://www.pay-equity.org/

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The China Syndrome-1979

The China Syndrome-1979
Order Description
The China Syndrome-1979 Movie

• The required format of the paper is:

NOTE: Label each section for clarity. Minimum 6 –full pages minimum, from after Abstract through Conclusion. Use the headings noted below, and include all required information where noted. Although this document is shown in outline form, your paper will be written in paragraph form.

• Cover Page
• Abstract of paper
• Introduction
• Movie’s two (2) separate and distinct, gender workplace themes; plot, copyright date, date in which movie takes place, location(s) of events in movie. This should be only one (1) page.
• Gender workplace theme one:
• Description of theme with three (3) examples of events/facts in the movie that demonstrate the theme. You must use the themes from the list below, under “the information to use” section.
• Specifically relate, connect this movie issue and example facts to:
• Powell (2011) correlation
• University’s Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) United States Cultures (US) objectives correlation, you must use the themes from the list below, under “the information to use” section.
• Catholic Social teaching (CST) principles correlation from “the information to use” section.
• Entrepreneurial skills (ES) component of the university’s Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) from “the information to use” section.
• Gender workplace theme two:
• Description of theme with three (3) different events/ facts (from above) in the movie that demonstrate the theme. You must use the themes from “the information to use” section.
• Specifically relate, connect this movie issue and example facts to*
• Powell (2011) correlation
• University’s Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) United States Cultures (US) objectives correlation (from “the information to use” section.
• Catholic Social teaching (CST) principles correlation from “the information to use” section.
• Entrepreneurial skills (ES) component of the university’s Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) (from “the information to use” section.

*All correlations discussed in theme two have to be different than those used for your first theme.

1. By the end of the paper, by being woven into each issue’s analysis, all (both) textbooks are correlated to movie information, at least three (3) different US Culture objectives are connected to movie information, at least two (2) different Catholic Social Teaching Principles are correlated to movie issues, and two (2) different Entrepreneurial Skills are connected to movie themes. Correlations need to be substantive.
2. By the end of the paper: Describe how the fact that this film is set in the USA, a country that espouses democratic principles and has very diverse cultures, influences the characters and/or plot and themes of the movie. Specifically quote a section and reference one, at least of these: The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States.

3. Discuss the states (or primary state) in which your movie’s storyline occurs and some brief gender-related and/or demographic current facts. Discuss four of the following, in detail:
1) Current Demographic descriptions. Analyze the roles of race, class, ethnicity,
2) Workforce Participation by Gender and Unemployment rates by Gender
(3) Occupational breakdown, by gender, in Numbers, Percentages, Occupational
(4) Management Participation by Gender
(5) States’ three Main Employers By industry; and by specific employer names;
gender participation if possible
(6) The statistics about entrepreneurship and small business ownership, by gender,
types of businesses, and revenue
(7) State involvement in gender-related, workplace-based organizational responses
• Pay equity; Comparable Worth
• Discrimination Policies

• Conclusion
• Works Cited Page

For your information and use:
Writing/Citing Requirements

A) You must use the required textbooks with the required copyright date. (Powell, G. N. (2011). Women and Men in Management (paperback). 4th edition. Sage Publications).
B) Full, properly written, punctuated, business-format paragraphs are required.
C) APA formatting must be used, as adapted here.
D) NOTE: Students must follow Writing and Citing Requirements. If this isn’t done so, accurately and thoroughly, grade deductions will occur.
E) Only use academic sources. Most Internet sites are NOT academic. No Wikipedia, Payscale, Glassdoor and other anecdotal, self-report sites; no blogs, or other non-academic, inappropriate/irrelevant business sources.
F) Internal citations:
(I) For books, and articles
a. NOTE: If you purchase an e-book, when you correlate that material, you must in-text cite listing copyright date, chapter number(s), and page number(s). Quotes or close paraphrasing also require a paragraph number(s).
b. When in-text citing Powell, include the section name, chapter number, sub-section name, page # (and if quoting, the para #).
c. Your words….(list ALL name(s) of authors in order listed on cover page or first page, copyright year; section and name of which page of website; page # (for texts or pdf files), and para# (for books , a website or html).
1. The URL is not listed in an internal citation.
As ALL author(s) name(s) (copyright year) states, your words…. (Section, page and para#).
1. The URL is not listed in an internal citation.
G) Works Cited (Reference section):
a. Website: List name, copyright year, section name, publication (such as a journal name, New York Times, etc.,) Retrieved when, from (such as Reeves EBSChost, Business Search Elite), page or paragraph #, and the URL.
b. Lecture: Giunta (2015, Topic, Date and week #). Course #, Course title, Greensburg, PA: Seton Hill University.
c. Place all sources in alphabetical order.
Gender Workplace-Based Themes that Relevant to the Movie Paper: Only these themes are used for the paper

1) Based upon gender, total rewards discrimination-pay discrimination -pay inequity

Household income (+ or -) caused by societal expectations for gender- based employment

Income levels related to professions as possibly influenced by gender of job incumbent

2) Gender stereotyping, including gender-based job stereotyping, and socialization at work

Boss’ gender stereotyping as it impacts the subordinates

Expectations of who should monetarily care for whom based upon job, based upon gender AND its impact on the workplace

3) Gender-based Job/ Career Position Segregation

Physical labor (who does)

Nurturing professions (who does)

4) Balancing of work and family

Parental workplace responsibilities affecting quality child care

5) Pregnancy discrimination as it is demonstrated at the workplace or affects someone’s job

6) In appropriate “fraternization” with the opposite gender at work OR workplace sexual harassment-subset (Quid pro quo)

7) Career development and mentoring hindered or influenced by gender

8) Marital status: gender-based workplace issues

The Liberal Arts Curriculum US Cultures objectives. [Note, when referring to these, list the # below and the beginning of what the objective is.]
1. Explain the impact and importance of diverse perspectives when critically assessing a particular issue or event in the American experience.
2. Analyze the roles of race, class, ethnicity, and gender in current and past U.S. culture.
3. Use primary historical documents and artifacts to understand the development of American democratic principles.
4. Apply a geographical perspective to examine the relationship between U.S. cultures and their environment.
5. Enact a process of self-directed study, using non-classroom resources for a substantial independent research project.
6. Participate in an experiential learning activity that illustrates past or present struggles to democratic ideals in the United States.
Catholic Social Teaching Principles ([Note, when referring to these, list the # below and the beginning of what the principle is.)

1. Dignity of the Human Person
2. Common Good and Community
3. Rights and Responsibilities
4. Option for the Poor
5. Global Solidarity and Development
6. Promotion of Peace and Disarmament
7. Stewardship of God’s Creation
8. Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
9. Role of Government and Subsidiarity
10. Free Markets, Economic Initiative, and Private Property
Defines entrepreneurial skills as: [Note, when referring to these, list the # below and the beginning of what the objective is.]

1. Goal setting: the ability to define and prioritize short and long-term actions
2. Taking risks: making a realistic choice, not taking a gamble
3. Transferring knowledge into behavior: practicing what is learned
4. Developing life-long learning strategies: continuing to seek ways to expand and use knowledge
5. Making sound decisions: sound decision-making informed by values; executing decisions based on personal beliefs and social responsibility
6. Being flexible: responsive to change; adaptable
7. Working in teams: cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team in the interests of a common goal.
8. Presenting a professional image: Conveying an image, demeanor, dress appropriate to your career position
iPad apps:
1. Labor Stats (US DOL)
2. US States Complete
3. Constitution

Gender Workplace Issues and State-related Websites

1. Reeves Library, online, EBSCHost, state information and lawsuits information, references, state
2. USA Census Bureau: www.census.gov/ (your state abbreviation)
3. USA’s Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau
4. https://data.bls.gov/PDQ/outside.jsp?survey=sm
5. Individual Official, Main state websites
6. Determine if state has a woman’s commission
7. Working mother–State information https://www.workingmother.com
8. https://www.50states.com/
9. https://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/index.html
10. https://www.globalcomputing.com/states.html
11. https://www.factmonster.com/states.html/
12. History Channel https://www.history.com/topics/states
13. https://www.infoplease.com/states.html
14. https://www.house.gov/
15. https://www.firstgov.gov
16. https://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi-bin/page.cgi/es
17. https://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/U_S__States/
18. https://www.globalcomputing.com/states.html
19. https://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/
20. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html
21. https://www.nationalatlas.gov/
22. https://www.theus50.com/
23. https://www.findlaw.com/11stategov/
24. https://www.netstate.com/states/
25. State’s individual Department of Labor
26. https://www.iwpr.org/ Research Policy
27. Select a state for large companies, for most admired companies, etc., through Fortune magazine https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2010/states/CA.html
28. Fact finder by state https://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFPeople?geo_id=&_geoContext=&_street=&_county=&_cityTown=&_state=&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on
29. town-usa.com (Reference the state’s major counties and then search—including within the Chamber of Commerce area— for major employers, economic reports, etc.)
30. USA federal Statistics www.fedstats.gov

31. NAFE Top companies for female executives. State headquarters listed
32. Catalyst www.catalystwomen.org.
33. http:www.state.[your state 2 letter abbreviation].us
34. http:www.commerce.state.[your state 2 letter abbreviation].us
35. www.hrworld.com/index.htm
36. www.nawbo.org National Association of Women Business Owners
37. www.sbaonline.sba.gov/womeninbusiness/hotlist/
38. www.senate.gov (for the Senate)
39. https://www.bpwusa.org/Business and professional Women/USA
40. www.dadsanddaughters.org
41. www.fatherville.com
42. National Committee on Pay Equity https://www.pay-equity.org/

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