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Texas FABUS305 exam 4


Question 1

Small groups appear to perform better when it comes to ________.

getting diverse input into a problem

finding facts

speed of performing tasks

problem solving

2 points

Question 2

According to Maslow, a person stranded on a desert island would ________ before he or she worried about making weapons.

establish his or her status on the island

start a family

build a house

look for other people

2 points

Question 3

Which leadership style tends to centralize authority and make unilateral decisions?

cultural style

democratic style

autocratic style

laissez-faire style

2 points

Question 4

Which is the best summary of goal-setting theory?

Goals make no difference in performance.

Always make your goals a bit higher than you can reach.

Specific goals increase performance.

Easy goals make for happier employees.

2 points

Question 5

________ assumes that employees have little ambition, dislike work, and avoid responsibility.

Belongingness Need Theory

Theory X

Theory Y

Self-actualization Need Theory

2 points

Question 6

Of the following, which is NOT thought to be an advantage of teams within an organization?

more innovation

employee job satisfaction

increased organizational coherence

new products developed faster at lower costs

2 points

Question 7

The “two pizza” rule states that the best teams should be small enough so that they can be satisfied with no more than two pizzas.



2 points

Question 8

Rishi’s boss encourages employees to participate in the decision-making process but does not give them complete freedom to do as they like. She has this kind of leadership style.





2 points

Question 9

Maslow sees food as being on the same level of need as which of the following?


personal safety



2 points

Question 10

Individuals within a group ________.

never play more than one role

always play more than one role

never play the same role for long

frequently play more than one role

2 points

Question 11

The promise of behavioral theories of leadership held that this would be possible.

being able to train a person to be leader

eliminating ineffective leaders

explaining why successful leaders were successful

picking a leader out of crowd

2 points

Question 12

Leaders are ________.

the final step in the leadership process.

individual people who study the leadership process.

individual people, while leadership is a process

the first step in the leadership process

2 points

Question 13

In the situational leadership theory (SLT), readiness is defined as ________ to perform a task.

the willingness

the motivation one has

both the ability and willingness

the ability

2 points

Question 14

The key to motivation, according to Maslow, is to identify ________.

higher-order needs first

lower-order needs last

a person’s level in the needs hierarchy

a person’s most important level in the needs hierarchy

2 points

Question 15

Which three needs are recognized in McClelland’s three-needs theory?

power, comfort, stimulation

achievement, power, security

security, self-interest, affiliation

achievement, power, affiliation

2 points

Question 16

Because leading is one of the four basic managerial functions, ________ leaders.

some managers should be

some managers are

all managers should be

all managers are

2 points

Question 17

One of the keys to being a good team leader is to know when to leave a team alone.



2 points

Question 18

Large groups appear to perform better when the goal of the group is to ________.

create consensus on a new product

interpret facts

find facts

solve problems quickly

2 points

Question 19

McClelland’s most influential need is the ________.

need for affiliation

need for achievement

need for power

need for recognition

2 points

Question 20

As a group expands, individual productivity tends to decline.



2 points

Question 21

Groups tend to go through five stages as they develop.



2 points

Question 22

In the norming stage of group development, the group becomes cohesive.



2 points

Question 23

During a recent meeting, a shouting match arose between a design manager and a marketing representative about a marketing plan for a new product. This team seems to be at the ________ stage of group development.





2 points

Question 24

Compensation plans based on employee output or productivity are referred to as ________.

equity plus methods

give-back programs.

prize time programs

pay-for-performance programs

2 points

Question 25

Which of the following is a lower-order need in Maslow’s hierarchy?

personal safety




2 points

Question 26

A manager with a Theory X view of human nature would ________.

be likely to let workers work independently

allow workers to monitor themselves

trust his or her workers

be unlikely to allow workers to work independently

2 points

Question 27

This stage involves the most conflict during the entire group development process.





2 points

Question 28

Maslow believes that higher-order needs ________.

are satisfied first

are satisfied most often

are satisfied externally

are satisfied internally

2 points

Question 29

Theory Y assumes that people inherently ________.

are unhappy

are driven by fear

don’t trust one another

want to control their own destiny

2 points

Question 30

A difficult skill for a team leader to learn is knowing when to ________ the team.

intervene with

show interest in



2 points

Question 31

Al is given two different “top priorities” from two different managers. Al is experiencing ________.

role conflict

role reversal

personal conflict

efficiency conflict

2 points

Question 32

According to Herzberg, in order to provide employees with job satisfaction, managers should concentrate on ________.

achievement and recognition

salary and status

working conditions


2 points

Question 33

Situational leadership theory (SLT) states that an R1 worker who is unable and unwilling to perform a task responds best to a telling leadership style.



2 points

Question 34

Goal-setting theory states that having specific goals improves performance.



2 points

Question 35

According to Herzberg, what controls satisfaction and motivation?

both intrinsic and extrinsic factors

extrinsic factors

extrinsic and security factors

intrinsic factors

2 points

Question 36

Permanent work groups are not likely to go through this stage.





2 points

Question 37

Monica’s boss allows her to make any decision she thinks is important on the spot without consulting anyone. Monica’s boss has this kind of leadership style.

autocratic style

hands-on style

laissez-faire style

democratic style

2 points

Question 38

An individual who wants to buy a home in a neighborhood with a low crime rate is satisfying which need?





2 points (Extra Credit)

Question 39

The ________ stage of the group development process is complete when members begin to think of themselves as part of a group.





2 points

Question 40

In the group development process, the group carries out its primary work during this stage.





2 points

Question 41

A theory that suggests that employees compare their inputs and outputs from a job to the ratio of relevant others is known as ________.

equity theory

action motivation

reinforcement theory

goal setting

2 points

Question 42

Behavioral theories of leadership focused on ________.

who effective leaders were

what characteristics effective leaders had

what effective leaders did

how to identify effective leaders

2 points

Question 43

Most workers learn what is expected from them on the job from group ________.





2 points

Question 44

Group norms typically are established ________.

informally by the entire group

in the official organizational bylaws

by organizational leadership

formally by group leaders

2 points

Question 45

Which of the following is thought to best motivate professionals?

high pay

status and power within the organization

challenging problems and important work

short hours and good working conditions

2 points

Question 46

This kind of work group brings individuals together from different work disciplines with different knowledge and skills.

command group

formal group

cross-functional team

self-managed team

2 points

Question 47

What does Fiedler’s least-preferred coworker questionnaire measure?

the most effective leadership style

the most common leadership style among all leaders

leadership style of respondents who took the test

the least effective leadership style

2 points

Question 48

On a pro football team, empowerment might manifest itself in which of the following?

more complicated plays and formations on the field

coach-to-helmet communication systems

players getting larger salaries

a player changing a planned play on the field

2 points

Question 49

Maslow argued that each level in the needs hierarchy must be substantially satisfied before the next becomes dominant.



2 points

Question 50

Formal groups ________.

include people who share a common interest

include people who eat lunch together each day

meet at a regular time and place

are defined by an organization’s structure

2 points

Question 51

According to Herzberg, which kind of characteristics are most closely associated with job dissatisfaction?

the goals of the job

intrinsic things that come from within themselves

lack of advancement

extrinsic things that come from the outside

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