Terrorism. Has international law on state responsibility for acts of terrorism changed significantly since September 11th? Does it adequately allow states to respond to the challenges posed by international terrorist groups?
Order Description
Length: 2,500 words (excluding non-explanatory footnotes)
Format: 12 point font, at least 1.5 spacing, and a standard margin of at least 1.5 inches to allow for marker comments.
1. Argument
Relevance: How well does the essay answer the question asked?
Quality of the Argument: Does the essay provide a logical, consistent and sustained argument?
2. Critical Analysis
Critical Analysis versus Description: Does the essay provide a critical analysis of the subject matter, or is
it merely descriptive?
Competing Perspectives: Does the essay show understanding of competing perspectives?
Level of Analysis: Does the essay weigh competing perspectives logically, rigorously and fairly?
Originality and Creativity: Does the essay show original and creative thought?
2. Knowledge and Understanding
Use of sources: Does the essay demonstrate wide reading of appropriate sources?
Accurate Knowledge: Is accurate knowledge of the subject matter demonstrated?
Level of Knowledge: What level of knowledge of the subject does the essay demonstrate broad or indepth
Understanding of relevant theory: Does the essay show an understanding of relevant theoretical concepts
and how they may be applied?
Evidence of Understanding: Does the essay overly paraphrase the works of other authors, or does it show a
good attempt to explain ideas and concepts in the writers own words.
3. Evidence/Resources
Relevance of Evidence: Does the essay use relevant supporting evidence? Does it use relevant empirical
and theoretical examples?
Argument supported by evidence: Are the conclusions drawn supported by the evidence provided?
Quality of Evidence: Are the sources academic or scholarly?
4. Structure and Organisation
Logic and Consistency: Is the argument presented in a structured in a logical and consistent way?
Clarity of Purpose: Is the purpose of each paragraph or sub-section clear?
Signposting: Are linking sentences and sign-posting used at appropriate points in the essay?
Introduction and Conclusion: Does the essay use the introduction and conclusion effectively?
Word Length: Does the essay keep to the required word length?
5. Style & Presentation
Grammar and Expression: Does the essay use correct English grammar and expression?
Clarity of Expression: Is the meaning of the expressions used clearly understood?
Errors: Are there many typographical errors present?
Creativity of Expression: Is the essay written creatively or with some flair?
5. Referencing
Fair use of sources: Are sources used acknowledged? Is there evidence of plagiarism?
Correct academic referencing: Are referencing styles or systems correctly used?