State the thesis of the readings as a whole as you see it
Examine two readings: Frederic Pryor, The Origins of Money, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Vol. 9, No.3. (Aug. 1977), pp.391-409 and The Myth of Barter in David Graeber, Debt: The First 5,000 Years. Brooklyn: Melville House. 2011, pp. 21-41.
Summaries the main theme of the two articles.
Infer the question that each author of the readings of the unit asks i.e. state the problem that each reading attempts to solve / explore.
Summarize the answer the author provided.
Describe the evidence she/he uses to support her/his answer.
Make sure you connect the readings directly to what you believe was the thesis of the unit.
State the thesis of the readings as a whole as you see it
August 8th, 2017 admin