Your assignment is to write a research paper (minimum 8 maximum 12 pages, not including the references). Please adhere to the following outline.
Title Page: The title should be short and reflect the primary focus of the paper.
List three key words or phrases (not already in the title).
Date Submitted
Your Name/professor’s Name/Name of Class
Page limit = 1 page
Abstract: Abstracts must be structured and organized with subheadings (on a separate page):
Maximum 250 words
Background and significance, critically evaluating existing knowledge, and identifying the gaps or areas that proposed project fills.
Should state the importance of project to OT and purpose of project.
Minimum 10 primary references from peer-review journals,
from the past 5 to 10 years.
Suggested page limit = 1 ½ pages
Aim(s) or Hypothesis(ses): Purpose, project aim(s) or hypothesis(ses). Suggested page limit < ½ page Methods Research design (one sentence) Participants IRB approval (one sentence) Sampling method Number of participants (total and final number) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Participants’ Characteristics Mesaures/instruments used to gather data Describe each of the measures used and its psychometric properties Procedure Description and Training of Testers Description of Testing Environment Statistical analysis How data was quantified and analyzed Suggested page limit to the Methods section = 2 to 3 pages 6. Results: Clearly present results (text, charts, figures) including means, standard deviations and p values when appropriate. Suggested page limit = 1-2 pages 7. Discussion: Project summary- aim and brief description of its rational Comparison of results with previous literature (your introduction section) Explanation and significance of results in general and in relation to OT Limitations (threats to internal and measurement validity; sampling bias, etc) Future areas of study Suggested page limit = 1 ½ pages 8. References: Follow the APA6th manual for referencing, listing references in alphabetical order starting on a new page.