Select ONE country besides USA and Canada. Select 3 films written/directed and produced in that country — you can choose 3 films by one director (his/her last 3 films) or 3 films directed by 3 different directors.
Paper instructions:
Instructions: MLA. 6-10 pages, double spaced, 12/Times New Roman, 10 sources (including films) properly imbedded in text and bibliography at end. You must select sources from Lynn Library research website ebsco and reviews by prominent reviewers (NY Times, The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, Film Comment). Sources not acceptable: wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes, USA Today.
Part 1: Analysis: the story premise of each film (one paragraph)
Part 2: What do the films share as a representation of the country of origin? Mise en scene?
Part 3: Choose 3 of the following/compare and contrast:
1) Culture in terms of shared rituals, food, landscape, historical memory.
2) Issues of race as represented by the writer/director in the creation of character(s) and their behavior.
3) Issues of class as represented by the writer/director in the creation of character(s) and their behavior.
4) Issues of gender as represented by the writer/ director in the creation of character(s) and their behavior.
5) Issues of sexual orientation as represented by the writer/director in the creation of character(s) and their behavior.
6) Issues of able-ism as represented by the writer/director in the creation of character(s) and their behavior.