sci-fi philosophy assignment
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write about 800-900 words to answer question 1 and 3 total words 1600-1800. its a Philosophy in science fiction assignment its about (The Matrix) you need (The Matrix and Philosophy ed.William Irwin) book I will give you the link for free PDF book
articles:for question#1:
1) Computers, caves, and Oracles: Neo and Socrates by William Irwin (pg.5-15)
2)The Matrix, Marx, and the coppertop’s life by Danahay/Rieder (pg.216-224)
article for question #3:
1) There is no spoon: A Buddhist Mirror by Michael Brannigan (pg.101-110)
2)Happiness and Cypher’s choice: is ignorance bliss? by Griswold (pg 126-137)