The research essay should be at least 1,500 words. The essay should us at least six sources, none of which may come from the Internet unless it is a journal article from Troy University’s online databases or other scholarly source. One source will be your textbook. Follow proper MLA format in producing your texts, particularly as you cite your sources. Failure to do so will lower your grade.
I’ll be looking for a clearly defined, arguable thesis and a logical organization of paragraph structures your research essay. I’ll also look at grammar, usage, mechanics, and so forth, as well as at your use of secondary material.
The paper is about two writings by a male and a female author (I will up load those) were the thesis would be: the difference between authors ( male and female, their up bringings ect) which reflects on there writings on gender stereo types. I have a annotated bibliography which i will upload. Also English is a second language for me so if the grammar is 100% it would be obvious that i didnt write the paper.