Students will write a three-page paper exploring the scientific literature on homosexuality, discussing the role that both biology and the environment play in shaping sexual orientation. In particular, students will organize the paper into four sections, including (a) an Introduction section, where the student will outline what he or she wants to accomplish in the essay, (b) an Environment section, where the student will review two peer reviewed journal articles in favor of an environmental influence on homosexuality and two against it, (c) a Biology section, where the student will review two articles in favor of a biological explanation for homosexuality and two articles against it, and (d) a Discussion section, where the student offers his or her own conclusions, based on the scientific evidence reviewed, as well as his or her own beliefs based on a Christian/religious understanding of homosexuality. Total, the student will review eight peer reviewed journal articles.
role that both biology and the environment play in shaping sexual orientation
February 20th, 2017