1. Read and View
The Corporate Crimes Principles http://icar.ngo/wp01-content/uploads/2016/10/Corporate-Crimes-Principles-FINAL.pdf
1. Banking on Organized Crime—watch the video embedded too!
2. Differences and Similarities between Corporate and organized crime
Differences and Similarities between Corporate and Organized Crime
3. Twenty Things You Should know about Corporate crime
4. http://www.alternet.org/story/54093/twenty _things_you_should _know_about_corporate_crime
5. The Untouchables
2. Discussion/Debate —using and citing the texts take a position on which group are the most serious threats to people financially, physically, spiritually, materially, as organized criminals (legal and illegal) bankers, multi-national corporations, government, mafias, street gangs, etc.?