1. Describe in detail how basic economics concepts show up in your book.( My book is : The Exchange Artist—A Tale of High Flying Speculation and America’s First Banking Collapse, Jane Kamensk) (I don’t have this book) These could be connections that make or the author makes. 2.Describe some of the market practices and market regulations from your book in a clear way to someone who knows economics but has not read the book. 3. Summarize the book in such a way to both provide a summary and also provide a critique of the book. That means describe if you believe the author’s arguments are well supported or not. Requirement:
1. Format, it is required that you use: a. Georgia font b. 11 pt, c. 1.5 line spacing, d. and 0.8 inch margins. e. book title f. writing prompt number.
2. Description of how to do this in Windows Word and Mac word
3. References can be in any major style: MLA or APA. a. The Purdue Owl Writing Lab has information about citation styles: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/1/ 4. No direct quotes from any sources are allowed. All writing has to be rephrased if it isn’t your own.
For the book, if you dont have it or you can not find it online for free, buy E-Book online, and tell customer service how much the price is, I`ll pay for it. And you can have this book.