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The Requirements for Assessment

Assessment One – Coursework assignment

Students will be required to write an essay supported with reference to the academic literature that answers the following question:

Many companies have honed their competitive edge by adopting the just-in-time philosophy that involves producing goods to meet demand exactly in time, quality and quantity. But such highly-tuned systems leave manufacturers vulnerable to disruptions in any of the many links in their supply chain. Major storms like Hurricane Sandy and other unexpected natural disaster such as Japanese Tsunami have prompted some companies to rethink the popular just-in-time style of doing business.

Critically analyse the elements of Toyota’s JIT practices and explain how such elements had influenced Toyota performance objective.
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations 2015-2016
Assessment Details
1. Module code and title ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
2. Module tutor Enter local contact
3. Tutor with responsibility for this
Assessment (your first point of contact).
Enter local contact and contact details
4. Assessment: Weighting, Type and
Size of Assessment
Assessment One
Individual coursework / 100% , 4000 words
5. Submission deadline
Assignment One
Assignment Two
Your attention is drawn to the
penalties for late submission; see
Academic Regulations for Taught
As per published examination timetable
6. Arrangements for submission:
Each assignment must be submitted with an
Assignment Coversheet securely attached.
You should print your Assignment
Coversheet from the ‘My Assessments’
screen in your Student Records Online
account. Each Coversheet will include your
details (name and student number) as well
as the module’s details (code, title, due date
the assignment).
You are advised to keep your own copy of
the assessment.
(Specify local arrangements).
You are advised to keep your own copy of
the assessment’
See opening times:
Enter local details
An Assignment Coversheet should be
attached securely.
7. Date and location for return of work
Assessment One
Assessment Two
Feedback on your assessed work will
normally be available from the (specify
local arrangements) 20 working days after
the date you submitted the work.
Individual assessment will be available for
collection by (specify local collection date)
Results will be published after
confirmation through the University of
Gloucestershire Board of Examiners
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
8. Students with Disabilities
Alternative assessment arrangements may
be made, where appropriate, for disabled
students. However, these will only be
implemented upon the advice of the
Disability Advisor. Disabled students
wishing to be considered for alternative
assessment arrangements must give
notification of the disability (with evidence)
to the Disability Advisor by the published
9. University Regulations for
All assessments are subject to the
Academic Regulations for Taught
Provision. These include regulations
relating to Errors of Attribution and
Assessment Offences. In exercising their
judgement, Examiners may penalise any
work where the standard of English,
numeracy or presentation adversely
affects the quality of the work, or where
the work submitted exceeds the published
size or time limits, or where the work fails
to follow normal academic conventions for
acknowledging sources.
See endnote
10. The Requirements for Assessment
Assessment One – Coursework assignment
Students will be required to write an essay supported with reference to the academic
literature that answers the following question:
Many companies have honed their competitive edge by adopting the just-in-time
philosophy that involves producing goods to meet demand exactly in time, quality and
quantity. But such highly-tuned systems leave manufacturers vulnerable to disruptions in
any of the many links in their supply chain. Major storms like Hurricane Sandy and other
unexpected natural disaster such as Japanese Tsunami have prompted some companies
to rethink the popular just-in-time style of doing business.
Critically analyse the elements of Toyota’s JIT practices and explain how such
elements had influenced Toyota performance objective.
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
During the module there will be an assignment surgery. During this session there will be
the opportunity to check your understanding of the assessment requirements and to gain
some formative feedback within your peer group.
11. Special Instructions
The tutors expect each paper to draw on the academic literature, in particular peerreviewed
journal articles, rather than text books. The essay should be in essay format.
You are expected to develop the content and use journal articles to support your opinion,
writing in the third-person. Where you are asked to apply the body of knowledge to a
particular organisation known to you, be mindful of the assessment criteria which
emphasises the academic content.
The essay should be presented in a regular A4 paper in Times New Roman font style, size
12 font size, doubles or 1.5 spacing. Margins on each page should not be less than 4cm
on the left, 2cm on the right, 3cm at the top and 2cm at the bottom. All sheets must have a
page number and each page of content should be printed on a sheet of paper (i.e. no
double sided). A complete and accurate reference list is expected. On the front page you
should indicate the word count which includes references and tables in the text, but not the
reference list.
All spelling must be in UK English spelling, all words must be spelled in full (for example,
use “does not” instead of “doesn’t”, Latin abbreviations such as “e.g.” and technical terms
are exempted) and all diagrams, tables and figures must have a title located at the top. All
acronyms must be spelled in full in the first instance of its use in the essay.
Tutors will apply the following assessment criteria that are developed more fully in the
attached assessment grid.
• Evidence of accessing and using relevant theoretical material and the ability to
demonstrate this material has been used to inform the outcomes of the papers.
• The ability to demonstrate a critical understanding of the literature.
• The ability to communicate effectively through the vehicle of a written paper
produced in accordance with the learning objectives and assessment criteria
Use the Harvard referencing system to accurately reference any literature sources used to
inform the paper and to compile the related list of references. Further information is in your
course handbook.
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
12. Assessment Criteria
Fail / Refer 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Weight
No clear
of the issues
Limited understanding
demonstrated, too
descriptive with some
Some understanding
of the issues limited
discussion of these,
and or need to expand
depth and breadth of
A good
evident. Good
breadth and depth
to develop
Issues discussed
thoroughly and
demonstrate the
ability to be
analytical in the
treatment of the
development of
evaluation of
supported by
reference to the
Little development of
evaluation of the
issues supported by
reference to the
academic literature.
Some development
and/depth of
demonstrated, and
some support from
the literature.
Good development
of evaluation of
the issues, well
supported and
evaluation of the
issues thoroughly
supported and
No clear
argument. Too
descriptive and
Some argument but it
is fragmented or
Some coherent
Moves on from the
descriptive to
development of the
Clear argument
that integrates the
material and leads
to a conclusion.
Clear argument
that is original,
critical, integrates
the material and
leads to a clear
Bibliography not
included or
evidence of a
Little or no
evidence of
accessing and
reading of
Sparse or incorrectly
Some evidence of
accessing and reading
of relevant material.
Included a
predominantly in the
Harvard format with
some citations in the
Good evidence of
accessing and reading
relevant material.
Included a good
bibliography in the
Harvard format,
which is fully cited
in the text.
Evidence of
thorough reading
of relevant
materials gathered
using a range of
Included an
bibliography in the
Harvard format,
which is cited fully
in the text.
Evidence of
accessing extensive
reading of relevant
materials using a
range of sources.
English weak. Minimum level
acceptable for
Few imprecise
Well written;
English clear,
correct and
Original and
innovative; takes
critical position;
synthesises ideas.
under the
section of not
adhered to
All requirements under the “Special Instruction” section adhered to university academic
MARK of 100%
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
Please note
Careful referencing of sources is vital when making use of the work of others. You are
expected to employ the referencing conventions recommended in the Course (Harvard
referencing). These conventions apply to information taken from internet sources, as well
as books, journals and lectures. These are some of the points you should check before
submitting your work:
• are all direct quotations, from both primary and secondary sources, suitably
acknowledged (placed in quotation marks or indented)?
• have you provided full details of the source of the quotation, according to the
referencing convention used in the Course?
• have you acknowledged the source of ideas not your own, even if you are
not quoting directly from the source?
• have you avoided close paraphrase from sources? (Check that you are not
presenting other people’s words or phrasing as if they are your own.)
• if you have worked closely with others in preparing for this assessment, is
the material you are presenting sufficiently your own?

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Project is Live and Open for Bidding

The Requirements for Assessment

Assessment One – Coursework assignment

Students will be required to write an essay supported with reference to the academic literature that answers the following question:

Many companies have honed their competitive edge by adopting the just-in-time philosophy that involves producing goods to meet demand exactly in time, quality and quantity. But such highly-tuned systems leave manufacturers vulnerable to disruptions in any of the many links in their supply chain. Major storms like Hurricane Sandy and other unexpected natural disaster such as Japanese Tsunami have prompted some companies to rethink the popular just-in-time style of doing business.

Critically analyse the elements of Toyota’s JIT practices and explain how such elements had influenced Toyota performance objective.
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations 2015-2016
Assessment Details
1. Module code and title ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
2. Module tutor Enter local contact
3. Tutor with responsibility for this
Assessment (your first point of contact).
Enter local contact and contact details
4. Assessment: Weighting, Type and
Size of Assessment
Assessment One
Individual coursework / 100% , 4000 words
5. Submission deadline
Assignment One
Assignment Two
Your attention is drawn to the
penalties for late submission; see
Academic Regulations for Taught
As per published examination timetable
6. Arrangements for submission:
Each assignment must be submitted with an
Assignment Coversheet securely attached.
You should print your Assignment
Coversheet from the ‘My Assessments’
screen in your Student Records Online
account. Each Coversheet will include your
details (name and student number) as well
as the module’s details (code, title, due date
the assignment).
You are advised to keep your own copy of
the assessment.
(Specify local arrangements).
You are advised to keep your own copy of
the assessment’
See opening times:
Enter local details
An Assignment Coversheet should be
attached securely.
7. Date and location for return of work
Assessment One
Assessment Two
Feedback on your assessed work will
normally be available from the (specify
local arrangements) 20 working days after
the date you submitted the work.
Individual assessment will be available for
collection by (specify local collection date)
Results will be published after
confirmation through the University of
Gloucestershire Board of Examiners
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
8. Students with Disabilities
Alternative assessment arrangements may
be made, where appropriate, for disabled
students. However, these will only be
implemented upon the advice of the
Disability Advisor. Disabled students
wishing to be considered for alternative
assessment arrangements must give
notification of the disability (with evidence)
to the Disability Advisor by the published
9. University Regulations for
All assessments are subject to the
Academic Regulations for Taught
Provision. These include regulations
relating to Errors of Attribution and
Assessment Offences. In exercising their
judgement, Examiners may penalise any
work where the standard of English,
numeracy or presentation adversely
affects the quality of the work, or where
the work submitted exceeds the published
size or time limits, or where the work fails
to follow normal academic conventions for
acknowledging sources.
See endnote
10. The Requirements for Assessment
Assessment One – Coursework assignment
Students will be required to write an essay supported with reference to the academic
literature that answers the following question:
Many companies have honed their competitive edge by adopting the just-in-time
philosophy that involves producing goods to meet demand exactly in time, quality and
quantity. But such highly-tuned systems leave manufacturers vulnerable to disruptions in
any of the many links in their supply chain. Major storms like Hurricane Sandy and other
unexpected natural disaster such as Japanese Tsunami have prompted some companies
to rethink the popular just-in-time style of doing business.
Critically analyse the elements of Toyota’s JIT practices and explain how such
elements had influenced Toyota performance objective.
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
During the module there will be an assignment surgery. During this session there will be
the opportunity to check your understanding of the assessment requirements and to gain
some formative feedback within your peer group.
11. Special Instructions
The tutors expect each paper to draw on the academic literature, in particular peerreviewed
journal articles, rather than text books. The essay should be in essay format.
You are expected to develop the content and use journal articles to support your opinion,
writing in the third-person. Where you are asked to apply the body of knowledge to a
particular organisation known to you, be mindful of the assessment criteria which
emphasises the academic content.
The essay should be presented in a regular A4 paper in Times New Roman font style, size
12 font size, doubles or 1.5 spacing. Margins on each page should not be less than 4cm
on the left, 2cm on the right, 3cm at the top and 2cm at the bottom. All sheets must have a
page number and each page of content should be printed on a sheet of paper (i.e. no
double sided). A complete and accurate reference list is expected. On the front page you
should indicate the word count which includes references and tables in the text, but not the
reference list.
All spelling must be in UK English spelling, all words must be spelled in full (for example,
use “does not” instead of “doesn’t”, Latin abbreviations such as “e.g.” and technical terms
are exempted) and all diagrams, tables and figures must have a title located at the top. All
acronyms must be spelled in full in the first instance of its use in the essay.
Tutors will apply the following assessment criteria that are developed more fully in the
attached assessment grid.
• Evidence of accessing and using relevant theoretical material and the ability to
demonstrate this material has been used to inform the outcomes of the papers.
• The ability to demonstrate a critical understanding of the literature.
• The ability to communicate effectively through the vehicle of a written paper
produced in accordance with the learning objectives and assessment criteria
Use the Harvard referencing system to accurately reference any literature sources used to
inform the paper and to compile the related list of references. Further information is in your
course handbook.
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
12. Assessment Criteria
Fail / Refer 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Weight
No clear
of the issues
Limited understanding
demonstrated, too
descriptive with some
Some understanding
of the issues limited
discussion of these,
and or need to expand
depth and breadth of
A good
evident. Good
breadth and depth
to develop
Issues discussed
thoroughly and
demonstrate the
ability to be
analytical in the
treatment of the
development of
evaluation of
supported by
reference to the
Little development of
evaluation of the
issues supported by
reference to the
academic literature.
Some development
and/depth of
demonstrated, and
some support from
the literature.
Good development
of evaluation of
the issues, well
supported and
evaluation of the
issues thoroughly
supported and
No clear
argument. Too
descriptive and
Some argument but it
is fragmented or
Some coherent
Moves on from the
descriptive to
development of the
Clear argument
that integrates the
material and leads
to a conclusion.
Clear argument
that is original,
critical, integrates
the material and
leads to a clear
Bibliography not
included or
evidence of a
Little or no
evidence of
accessing and
reading of
Sparse or incorrectly
Some evidence of
accessing and reading
of relevant material.
Included a
predominantly in the
Harvard format with
some citations in the
Good evidence of
accessing and reading
relevant material.
Included a good
bibliography in the
Harvard format,
which is fully cited
in the text.
Evidence of
thorough reading
of relevant
materials gathered
using a range of
Included an
bibliography in the
Harvard format,
which is cited fully
in the text.
Evidence of
accessing extensive
reading of relevant
materials using a
range of sources.
English weak. Minimum level
acceptable for
Few imprecise
Well written;
English clear,
correct and
Original and
innovative; takes
critical position;
synthesises ideas.
under the
section of not
adhered to
All requirements under the “Special Instruction” section adhered to university academic
MARK of 100%
ILP325 Strategic Global Operations
Please note
Careful referencing of sources is vital when making use of the work of others. You are
expected to employ the referencing conventions recommended in the Course (Harvard
referencing). These conventions apply to information taken from internet sources, as well
as books, journals and lectures. These are some of the points you should check before
submitting your work:
• are all direct quotations, from both primary and secondary sources, suitably
acknowledged (placed in quotation marks or indented)?
• have you provided full details of the source of the quotation, according to the
referencing convention used in the Course?
• have you acknowledged the source of ideas not your own, even if you are
not quoting directly from the source?
• have you avoided close paraphrase from sources? (Check that you are not
presenting other people’s words or phrasing as if they are your own.)
• if you have worked closely with others in preparing for this assessment, is
the material you are presenting sufficiently your own?

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