In “A Call to Men” (,Tony Porter addresses the subtle nature of sexism, its horrific consequences, and a conceptual way to think about the problem. Using this video, relate it to the topic of women, sports, and religion, specifically through engaging Title IX, Katherine Switzer, and/or Women Who Make America, Part II (–first-woman-to-enter-the-boston-marathon-517280189). In some way, your response needs to include the following four points: (1) a summary of Porter’s argument, (2) how the video is relevant for the class, (3) how the video helps to expand or clarify concept(s) or theme(s) from the class, and (4) how his ideas would improve the religious dimensions of sports.
This project is worth up to three extra-credit points. It must be clearly written, edited well, and in essay form.
It needs to be at least 300 words long. Here is a sample from my friend. Thank you!