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Test Correction Essays for Second Midterm

Below are seventy-five essay questions that correspond directly to the seventy-five multiple choice questions on the second exam. If you choose to do test corrections, you are encouraged to answer each essay question that corresponds to the questions you missed on the exam. So, for example, if you missed multiple-choice questions 12, 30 and 40… then you should answer essay questions 12, 30, and 40. You can earn an additional one percent on the test (added onto your original test score) for each test correction that receives full credit. Each test correction essay response is expected to be one paragraph long. Full credit will be given to only to thoughtful essays.

The point of test corrections is for you to show me that you now understand the concepts or issues associated with the questions you missed (as defined by the essay question). One excellent way you can demonstrate your understanding is to provide your own original example (either real or hypothetical) within your essay response. You will notice that many of the essays require original examples. I also will reward direct reference to the readings that are relevant to the question at hand. Including a statement of your own judgment would also strengthen your responses. Rewriting lecture notes does not show any of your own thought and will not earn much, if any, credit. Please refer to my “advise for written work” (provided below) for a detailed discussion of the type of essays I am expecting. These essays are due on July 22nd and 11pm via dropbox on D2L.

1) Explain how Chambliss defined excellence. Why did he study swimmers? Using an original example, review some advice about excellence that one can glean from his article.
2) Discuss Chambliss’s thoughts on “talent.” Why does he minimize the importance of this concept and what alternative explanations for excellence does he emphasize?
3) Explain what Chambliss means by “qualitative differentiation.” How can someone take this concept and apply it to something they want to be excellent at?
4) Explain why Chambliss critiques to idea of talent as source of excellence. Using an original example, explain what type of alternative explanation Chambliss would employ.
5) In what ways is excellence mundane? Cite Chambliss directly as you discuss a original example that makes this link between mundanity and excellence.
6) Explain why Chambliss emphasizes technique, discipline and attitude. Why are these three things so important as one strives for excellence?
7) Explain why Chambliss chose to study swimmers and not college professors. Identify three other groups that Chambliss could have also chosen to do his study.
8) Explain why Chambliss entitled his article “The Mundanity of Excellence.” How does mundane activity lead to excellence?
9) Beyond receiving inheritance upon a parent’s death, describe several ways that family wealth can benefit someone.
10) How are wealthy and wealth poor individuals similar or different in terms of how they feel about the “American Dream?” Cite Heather Beth Johnson’s book to support your discussion.
11) Explain why, according to Johnson, wealthy parents choose to send their children to private schools. Cite Johnson’s book to support your discussion.
12) Explain Johnson’s concept “the power of hope.” How is this concept useful to poor families?
13) Explain how racial segregation of neighborhoods and schools acts to reproduce inequality. How would that influence wealth accumulation?
14) What are the central elements of the American dream ideology? In your opinion, is the American dream a reality for a larger or smaller proportion of the American population.
15) Explain with original examples, two ways that wealth influences the upward mobility of children raised in wealthy families. In your opinion, do children in wealthy families deserve to have these advantages?
16) Explain how, according to Johnson, middle class parents tend to define “good” schools. Explain how this can act to reproduce race and class inequality.
17) What is meritocracy? How is it related to wealth and inheritance? To what degree have your own successes and/or failures been consistent with the idea of meritocracy?
18) Explain what is meant by “the American Dream.” In what ways does the inheritance of wealth challenge this dream? Cite Heather Beth Johnson’s book to support your discussion.
19) Discuss the following topic thoughtfully: Do you believe you can obtain the American Dream personally? How are you more or less likely to obtain this dream in comparison to poor or wealthy people in our society?
20) How do the wealthy families make sense of the reality that some schools are qualitatively better than other schools. To what degree does this influence their acceptance of the American dream ideology?
21) Explain why wealthy families choose, according to Johnson, to put their children in private schools. What benefits do they gain from attending private schools?
22) According to Johnson, what are the effects on wealth-poor parents that must send their children to failing public schools? How does this effect their faith in the role education will play in their children’s future?
23) Describe with examples the ways in which Risman sees the consequences of gender inequality.
24) Citing Risman’s work, discuss the idea of biological determinism. Explain the types of social policies that a person who adheres to this point of view would advocate.
25) Describe with examples the ways in which Risman sees men and women constrained by gender in their daily lives.
26) What is meant by “covert racism?” Using an original example, describe how this form of racism could reproduce racial inequality.
27) What are the advantages of Bonilla-Silva’s theoretical ideas over the traditional view of racism. Provide an original example that demonstrates one of these advantages.
28) Bonilla-Silva argues that racism can be rational. Using an original example, explain what he means by this.
29) Bonilla-Silva discusses the limits (or shortcomings) of the “idealist concept of racism.” Provide original examples that describe two of these shortcomings.
30) Bonilla-Silva discusses several ways people in the dominant race are rewarded. Provide two original examples that describe two of these types of rewards.
31) Cite Bonilla-Silva’s article as you describe the difference between his theoretical perspective on racism and what he calls the “idealist conception of racism.”
32) Explain what is meant by the “gendered self” perspective. Provide two original examples that show how this would apply to males and females.
33) Explain what is meant by the “structuralist” perspective of gender. Provide two original examples that show how this would apply to males and females.
34) Explain what is meant by the “structuralist” perspective of gender. Citing Risman’s article, discuss the implications and limitations of this perspective.
35) Describe with examples the ways in which Bonilla-Silva sees the reproduction of racial inequality in contemporary America.
36) With Risman in mind, provide two original examples of ways men are often compelled to live gendered lives.
37) Explain how Schor’s ideas are related to Marx’s theories, and how Holt’s ideas are similar to Simmel’s ideas. Use original examples to support your explanations.
38) Review the various policies supported by Schor. Explain the reasoning behind two of these policies.
39) Explain the debate between Schor and Holt as related to the consumption of products in modern life.
40) How has the savings rate changed since 1980? What are the implications of this change in your opinion?
41) According to Schor, what are negative consequences of the homogenization of retail environments? How might this effect our culture in general?
42) In what ways are Americans pressured to spend and consume? Why do these pressures exist? What does Schor suggest as a response to these pressures?
43) Discuss the ways that the video “Killing Us Softly 4” is related to the critiques of capitalism and consumption that we have discussed so far in this course.
44) Schor argues that Americans are increasingly focused on buying things (private consumption). What type of spending reductions has this focus lead to, and what are the implications for this pattern?
45) Explain how different ideologies are intended to legitimate the social mobility system in our society. In your opinion, how effective are these ideologies?
46) Cite Oliver and Shapiro’s writing on wealth inequality among Blacks and Whites as you explain ways in which governmental policies have acted to produce and reproduce such inequalities.
47) In what ways have Blacks faced an “economic detour” when it comes to their entrepreneurial efforts? Provide an original example of this type of hindrance to Blacks’ success.
48) Explain the distinction between wealth, earnings and income. What can we learn from the earning/income ratios among the wealthiest Americans?
49) Explain the role home ownership plays in the reproduction of inequality across generations both historically and in contemporary America.
50) Explain Johnson’d two concepts: cumulative advantage, and cumulative disadvantage. Who do these concepts apply to?
51) Describe three ways, according to Johnson, that wealthy parents help their children. In your opinion, how important is this help in comparison to one’s own ability and hard work?
52) Explain the negative effects on students who attend public schools that they are technically zoned to attend (as discussed by Johnson).
53) Describe two historical policies that, according to Oliver and Shapiro, created wealth among whites but not for racial minorities.
54) How unequal are Blacks and Whites in terms of earnings and wealth? Which of these disparities are more consequential in your view? Provide an original example that supports your point of view.
55) With an original example, explain why technique, according to Chambliss, is so important when it comes for striving for excellence.
56) Both Schor and Ayn Rand argue that consumers ought to be well-informed when they make purchases. What do they both mean by this?
57) According to Schor, private consumption is crowding out public consumption, savings, and leisure. What does she mean by this? How much does this statement apply to your own life?
58) Explain what Schor means by the homogenization of retail environments. How can this problem be solved in her opinion. Do you agree that this is a problem with our culture?
59) When Taylor says that Americans are uncomfortable with examining their personal values related to consumption, what does she mean? To what degree are you reflective about your own consumption patterns?
60) Describe what is meant by Bonilla-Silva’s idea that racism is structural. What does he mean by structural?
61) When Bonilla-Silva argues that racism is often rational, what does he mean? Provide an original example of rational racism.
62) Describe how “the gendered self perspective” and “the gender as structure perspective” would differ in terms of family structure (moving from two-parent households to single-parent households) as described in our course lecture.
63) Provide two original examples of how, according to Risman, cultural expectations, and taken-for-granted situational meanings can impact gendered behavior at the interactional level.
64) In our course lecture it was argued that the three pillers of economic stability are income, education and wealth. Explain in your own words why lacking any of these three leads to a person being economically vulnerable.
65) In your opinion, what is the meaning of “having a good life?” How is your definition related to consumerism and consumption, if at all?
66) Explain why Chambliss argues that discipline is so important when one is striving for excellence. Provide an original example that shows why this is important.
67) Provide an original example that supports Bonilla-Silva’s assertion that racism is an ever-changing phenomenon. That is that the racism of the past is not the same as racism of the present.
68) How, according to Bonilla-Silva, are races placed in the superior position in the racial hierarchy able to receive benefits that other races do not receive? Provide an original example that demonstrates this point.
69) Explain why, according to Risman, the gendered self perspective discourages the politicalization of gender inequality. Provide one original example that demonstrates this process.
70) Explain the different ways, according to Risman, that gender identity is shaped by factors other than one’s sense of their own gender.
71) To what degree has your life opportunities been shaped by the presence or absence of wealth in your family. Do you believe that you have been advantaged or disadvantaged by this process> Explain.
72) Explain the role racial segregation (in schools and neighborhoods) plays in the reproduction of racial inequality. Cite Heather Beth Johnson’s book to support your discussion.
73) Explain two ways that the racialization of state policy has shaped racial differences in wealth accumulation in the United States?
74) Explain what Oliver and Shapiro meant by “the economic detour.” Provide an original example that demonstrates how this process can work.
75) Discuss how the ideas presented in the video “The Story of Stuff” are consistent Schor’s critique of consumerism and consumption.

Advice for Written Work

At the most basic level, your written work should demonstrate that you have read and critically thought about the assigned readings or videos.

The best papers will reflect a critical reaction to the readings. This means the paper will demonstrate in depth analysis of the issues being discussed, a synthesis of the various sources, and/or an informed judgment of the relevant issues/debates.” These three general requirements are discussed in more detail below:

1) In-depth analysis involves critically reflecting upon the readings. This is not simply summarizing the readings, but discussing them in a critical way. What are the central arguments? What are the strengths and weaknesses in the claims made? Are their any logical errors in the arguments presented?

2) Synthesis involves making connections between multiple sources. This is the easiest way to show me you have thought critically about the readings. Sociological works are typically contributions to a conversation. What is the conversation the assigned readings are part of? Is there a debate? What are the competing arguments in the debate? How are the findings and/or theories of various sources related to each other? As the course progresses, you will have an increasingly large set of sources to draw upon as you develop such syntheses, so strong students will keep past readings in mind as they read new material.

3) Informed judgment is the statement of your position backed up with supporting evidence or argument. This is not simply your opinion. Tell me what you think, and why you think it. Is your position related to any debates within the literature?

General advice:
Do more than summarize the readings. Simple summarizing the readings is a common error. I expect much more than summary. You should think of these essays as a statement of your reaction to the readings, and an argument/statement of your own on related topics. I want to see your voice coming through.

Drawing on your relevant lived experiences is an excellent way of analyzing readings or supporting your judgments. We often draw upon our lived experiences as we make sense of what we study, and incorporating those experiences is certainly relevant. However, such reference to lived experiences should be relevant and should be done as concisely as possible. Your essay should not involve extensive storytelling.

Making direct reference to the readings, beyond any provided lecture notes, is an excellent way to show me that you have done the readings. You do not need to quote in order to do this. Simply referring to relevant examples from the readings (with page specific citations) will show me you have read the material. This should be done beyond the examples provided in lecture notes and/or class discussion.

Quoting is fine, but should be done sparingly and only when you cannot make the point better yourself. Do not let quotes speak for themselves. Simply copying quotes without discussion does not show me you have thought about the readings.

I place a priority on making connections to other readings from our course, in comparison to readings from outside our course. You can draw on outside readings, but this should be done sparingly, and only when particularly relevant. The bulk of your essay should be based on course readings. Avoid writing essays that would lead me to wonder if it was cut-and-pasted from an essay written for another purpose.

Writing significantly less than the expected length suggests that you don’t have any more to say. You will not be downgraded for writing more than the expected length, but concise writing is expected. If you feel it is necessary to discuss topics beyond the assigned readings (e.g. lived experiences, or citation of material from outside our course), than writing more than is required is a useful strategy. I expect most of the essay will be devoted to the assigned readings.

Avoid “fluff” or “filler” and going off-topic. Each sentence should serve a purpose in advancing your argument.

NOTE: PLEASE ONLY COMPLETE NUMBERS 5,6,9,10,12,13,15,16,20,21,24,25,27,29,31,33,35,38,39,42,44,45,46,47,48,50

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