Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation criteria for first draft:
____Four (4) full pages (10 points)
____Includes a work cited page with 4 sources; each source is cited in text (5 points)
____Correctly integrated quotations (with parenthetical citations or signal phrases) (5 points)
____/20 points
Evaluation criteria for final draft:
Feedback (10 points)
____Turnitin.com submission (5 points)
____Smarthinking submission (5 points)
Ideas And Their Structure (25 points)
____Clear, expressive, informative, appropriately placed thesis
(5 points)
____Thesis/topic sentence interconnection (5 points)
____Paragraph to paragraph coherence, transitions (5 points)
____Development of ideas/ fullness of body paragraphs (10 points)
Sources and use of evidence (25 points)
____Accurate/effective citation, quotation, paraphrase (10 points)
____Adequate use of sources/adequate information (10 points)
____Quality/quantity of sources
(5 points)
Audience engagement and style (15 points)
____Engaging and effective hook, introduction, and conclusion (10 points)
____Effective style and tone (5 points)
Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, format (25 points)
____Clear, correct sentence structure/ variety/punctuation (10 points)
____MLA format conventions, including titles, parenthetical citations, work cited (10 points)
____Correct, effective spelling/word choice (5 points)