Question 1: Research the assessment process for ELL students in your state. What is the process your district goes through to properly identify students for ESL program placement? My state is South Carolina and my district is Williamsburg County School District.
Question 2: Planning for effective instruction is the key to academic success for students. Using data to inform instruction is a regular process. Discuss how teachers can use longitudinal data along with other formative classroom assessments to design effective instruction.
Your required practicum/field experience hours for this course will be spent observing and being mentored by ELL instructors or administrators in a Title I setting.
For this assignment, observe and assess at least one lesson involving ELLs using the SIOP checklist from Appendix A in the textbook.
Submit a copy of one of your completed checklists with a 250-word reflection on this experience. Address the following questions in your reflection:
1. Were the students aware of the class language and content objectives?
2. How did the teacher instruct the content and language objectives?
3. What types of strategies, interactions, applications, and assessments were implemented?
4. How did the teacher accommodate for different ELP levels?
From the data in the “Ms. Jensen’s 7th Grade Class AZELLA Scores” document, analyze the proficiency levels of the students in Ms. Jensen’s class to place them into appropriate groups. In 250 words, present a rational describing how you would group these students for in-class activities. The rationale should demonstrate that you are using data to inform your decision and subsequent instruction of each student.
Include three to five sources from your research to support the placement.
Ms Jensens Class AZELLA Scores.docx