1) Franklin Letter:
1.1 Frame the problem/decision
1.2 List the ‘Motives’ for and against – the Pros and Cons
1.3 Estimate the importance ofthe Pros and Cons
1.4 Estimate the chance that the motive will happen or become a reality
1.5 Calculate the ‘weight’ ofthe motive by multiplying the motive importance
value by the chance that the motive will materialize.
1.6 Review the results to determine any patterns in the valuations and your
satisfaction with the outcome
1.7 Allow several days for thinking about the result before taking action
2) Should Priestly accept the offer ofa new position?
2.1 Motives for acceptance: Importance Chanceozq Weight
2.1.1 Larger salary 8 10 80
2.1.2 Better benefits 7 10 70
2.1.3 More learning 7 8 56
2.1.3 Urban Location 5 10 50
2.1.4 Enhanced Reputation 10 8 80
2.1.5 Intelligent Co-Workers 7 7 49
2.1.6 Good Impression 5 5 _2_§
2.2 Motives Against Acceptance: Importance Qhagceozo Weight
2.2.1 Must Relocate 8 10 80
2.2.2 Time Required 8 10 80
2.2.3 Fit in? 9 3 27
2.2.4 Workload? 8 5 40
2.2.5 Work Too Hard? 10 2 ;Q_
2.3 Decision: Accept the new position
2.4 Identify the main motives driving the decision
2.4.1 Pros: Money and reputation = 230
2,4,2 Cons: Disruption and workload = 200
2.5 Comfortable with the Decision or should it be reworked?