N ch1. a. Explain the moral issue(s) in the Great Lakes case.
b. Defend how the case should be resolved.
Questions 2-6 are on DeGeorge:
2. Explain DeGeorges thesis.
3. How should the 1st case be resolved?
4. How should the 2nd case be resolved?
5. How should the 3rd case be resolved?
6. How should the 4th case be resolved?
7. a. Explain the moral issue(s) in the Fingerhut case.
b. How should the case be resolved?
8. a. Explain the moral issue(s) in the Exxon case.
b. How should the case be resolved?
9. a. Explain the moral issue(s) in the K-PAN case.
b. How should the case be resolved?