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MSc/MEng, Civil / Structural Engineering;Finite Element Analysis of Structures

MSc/MEng, Civil / Structural Engineering;Finite Element Analysis of Structures

4.Submission Procedure
This coursework must reach JL-reception on or before the date specified above and must be accompanied by a standard Faculty cover sheet. You are strongly advised to obtain a stamped receipt as proof of submission and also to keep your own copy of the submitted work. If the project is to be posted to the Department, the envelope should be clearly postmarked by the PO with the above date.
6.Return of Coursework
The work will be returned during a class session]
7.Feedback on Coursework
Expect annotations on script and comments on the cover sheet.
9.Aims and Objectives
To tackle a common but complex engineering problem which, otherwise, could not be dealt with by performing hand calculations only.
10.Learning Outcomes
Motorway Crash Barriers    [1]    jnk/dec/2012
Learning the basics of FE Analysis (tackle a classic engineering problem using the computer. Also, familiarise with ANSYS software and computational methods.
On completion of this item of coursework you will be able to:
1.Demonstrate how complex mathematical relationships can be represented in numerical form using practical computer models.
2.Evaluate a design brief and propose a plan of (research) work with clear argumentative and challenging methodology.
3.Identify and analyse sources of error and evaluate the significance of their effect on model simulations and engineering practice.
4.Produce technical reports and make visual presentations of a technical content.
No specific procedure and methodology exists. In fact, this is left to the individual student to develop. The whole idea of this module is to provide the students with an engineering problem which, is not clearly defined, has no specific data and sometimes, no clear outcome.
12.Marking Scheme/Criteria
Full marks will be allocated for the best solution provided. Best solution is defined as one which,
a)makes efficient and effective use of resources (software, hardware, laboratories, library, Institutions, specialist companies individuals, etc);
b)solves the specific engineering problem efficiently and leaves no doubts about the solution provided;
c)delivers high presentation standards for the results. a high quality of presentation is expected from all Masters level students
13.Health and Safety
14.Peer Assessment
It is a University requirement for all coursework based modules to have an element of Peer Assessment built-in. Therefore, you may be asked to perform your duties by assessing your colleagues, and expect to be assessed by them.
In addition, I would like to see a brief statement at the beginning of your report stating what part of the report each one of you has made a contribution. Ideally, this statement has to be signed by all members of the Group.
Motorway Crash Barriers    [2]    jnk/dec/2012
Finite Element Analysis of
Motorway, Central Reservation Crash Barriers
1. Scenario
You are employees of a well known Design/Analysis Consultant in the Midlands and have been approached by Coventry City Council to provide them with your specialist services.
The Council is considering refurbishing all dual carriageway and motorway stretches under their responsibility, with central reservation steel (crash) barriers. They have approached a local manufacturer who has provided them with a choice of four different profiles, each one of them, priced differently.
However, before the Council makes a decision they would like to consider all factors affecting their choice. Safety is, of course, of paramount importance but economics is important too.
Therefore, they have conducted your company and asked you to provide them with your expert opinion regarding the most effective section (profile) against accidental crash. They would like you to consider the following sections (Figure I):
Plain, C1-Section
Lipped, C2-Section
Swage beam S-Section
Multi-beam profile M-Section
Your are asked to prepare a technical report with your findings, providing all essential evidence and justifying to your clients the best and worst profile.
2. Requirements:
You are required to investigate and assess the structural performance of each one of the barriers and advice the Council (with reasoning) accordingly, to ease final choice.
A high quality, technical report is expected. In addition to the usual technical (FE) jargon, the report should contain a brief literature survey, based on the state-of-the-art knowledge (know- how) of the relevant topic to date. It should also emphasise on the particular engineering logic and methodology developed, the analytical numerical and (if appropriate) experimental techniques and procedures employed, the efficacy of the methods adopted, their drawbacks, limitations and so on.
Finally, the report should contain some discussion of your results and the conclusions drawn from them. Graphs, schematic drawings, diagrams, and other means of communication should be used if and where appropriate, as an aid to your written presentation. Some emphasis on the experience built up for outlining similar future work should also be given.
Motorway Crash Barriers    [3]    jnk/dec/2012

Figure I         DATA:
D= 300 mm, t= 4.0 mm, a=130 mm, b= 140 mm (a ? b) and r= 25 mm
(r = radii of the circular portions of the profiles).
Distance between centres of circles= 100 mm
l= length of “Lips”. l / D = 1/12
3. Instructions:
You are to divide yourselves into groups, of four members per group, and submit one report per group. Use 12 size, Times New Roman fonts and 1.5 spacing between lines. For legends, graphs, figures, tables, etc, you may reduce the size of fonts to Arial 10. Also, use the following margins: Top: 3cm, Bottom: 2.5cm, Left: 3cm, Right: 2.5cm.
Motorway Crash Barriers    [4]    jnk/dec/2012
Number your pages. Maximum number of pages: 15, EVERYTHING inclusive, except the receipt sheet. A template of the first page is shown at the end of this document. Do not use soft/hard covers, plastic pockets, etc. Carefully, staple your work together.
NOTE: Individual, or group final marks, may be adjusted in the light of an exceptionally good, or indeed, bad performance by an individual, or group.
4. Marking Scheme:
This cannot be accurate for obvious reasons. However, the scheme below serves as a guideline:
1. Synopsis, Introduction, Previous similar work    (20-marks)
2.Engineering logic, Strategy, Methodology. Efficacy of methods adopted, Drawbacks, limitations. Analytical, Numerical
and if appropriate, Experimental Models, Techniques and
Procedures employed    (50-marks)
3.Results, Findings and justification, Conclusions, Recommendations, Self-critique, Experience built up for
similar type of future work.    (30-marks)
Note: This scheme may have to be revised if a different writing approach than the above is adopted.
1. Writing a Technical Report
There are several ways such a report can be presented in writing, the following is just a guide:
1.Synopsis (max. 350 words) It is written after the work is completed and contains the whole project in a ‘nutshell’ with emphasis on the findings.
2.The Brief. A short account of the project requirements, (what the problem is all about and why is the investigation needed?). The aims/objectives (what is the aim and what the objectives of the project?).
3.State-of-the-Art review. Very brief evidence of other, similar type of work, if any.
4.A clear and concise Strategy/Methodology influenced by (3) above, describing how the problem is to be addressed and tackled. You need to persuade your Clients that your engineering arguments are sensible, sound, valid, feasible (based on established engineering principles). Also, discuss the limitations, and drawbacks of your adopted method.
5.Your Findings, discussed briefly, in the form of graphs, tables, diagrams, charts sketches, accompanied by title, legends, brief statements, etc., or anything else designed to ease reading, making more interesting, more clear, more understandable, including the appropriate specific (to-the-point) objectives and how they will were met. Avoid causing boredom by writing unnecessary material, and make sure your messages do ‘go across’
6.Your Conclusions/Recommendations should be measurable to your objectives, should be ‘flowing freely’ and be supported directly, from your findings.
7.References. Remember; a technical report with a series of justifiable references makes a good impact and discloses deep knowledge of the subject and therefore trust, admiration and respect from your superiors and/or clients.
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Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building
MSc/MEng, Civil/Structural Engineering
Finite Element Analysis of Structures
2014 – 15
Finite Element Analysis of
Motorway, Central Reservation Crash Barriers.
Group: XXX
1 (Surname), (Name)
2. (Surname), (Name)


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