Module : Short Film Production
ASSIGNMENT C : 1500 Case Study (35%)
The short film is often used as a tool to further career, therefore students are required to write
a case study that examines strategies of progression within the genre chosen / completed film – looking at how the future films could be financed (including revenue for there completed film), where sources of revenue are available from and what are the possibilities of continued development?
Students must write a ‘proposed pathway’ for there completed short film. Researching what genre specific film festivals , screening events production companies, key industry player & distribution companies they are targeting. As well as explaining exhibition and further methods of progression beyond short films. Students should also propose a networking plan for how they will present there films during its ‘proposed pathway’
The total mark for this assignment is worth 35% of the overall grade for this module.
Assessment and Allocation of Marks
The purpose of the exercise is to test your development measured against the following learning outcomes:
develop collaborative group working practices
adopt a methodology going forward to continually develop narrative fiction ideas for future production in Level 2, 3 and beyond
appreciation of creative practices, the power of ideas and where ideas come from
assess strategies for personal progress using short film
to develop understanding of funding
Assessment and Allocation of Marks (continued)
As well as being able to show individuals can
demonstrate an awareness of narrative theory and its influence on audience perceptions.
demonstrate a realistic and practical understanding of the operation of a creative industry.
develop writing skills and adapt to writing for different media forms.
engage in critical analysis of narrative genre in screen culture.
Below is a list of guide-questions which will be addressed when the work is marked.
Is the pathway for the completed film clear ?
Have all areas of exhibition been researched ?
Is the proposed pathway realist within the film industry ?
Is there a clear distinction and understanding of online distribution & if so
Has research been undertaken looking at both national and international festivals, events and funding opportunities ?
Are specific name mentioned in relation to film festivals , screening events production companies, key industry player & distribution companies ?
Have students targeted the correct market / industry area ?
Has a networking plan been explained, whilst taking into consideration personality types and future goals ?