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Mental Status Examination(MSE) Academic Essay

This is an assignment of 2000 words in two parts each with several steps. Follow the steps for each part carefully. The piece will demonstrate a sound grasp of the following as they relate to your consumer and include: a Mental Status Examination(MSE) a clinical formulation including biopsychosocial history and your own MSE observations leading to the clinical formulation a nursing orientated handover using Maslows hierarchy of needs to identity and prioritise consumer needs identifying nursing interventions and goals, timeframes and evaluation criteria for their achievement how to engage a consumer in a therapeutic relationship the application of cultural safety the application of the recovery model You will need to justify your ideas with reference to relevant literature; especially to this book Happell, B. M., Cowin, L., Roper, C., Lakeman, R., & Cox, L. (2013). Introducing mental health nursing: A service user-oriented approach (2nd ed.). Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Additional items drawn from respected academic sources. Presentation and submission: In-text citation of all items used. 20 and more references are required. References must be last five years and include Happell, B. M., Cowin, L., Roper, C., Lakeman, R., & Cox, L. (2013). Introducing mental health nursing: A service user-oriented approach (2nd ed.).. Full reference list at the end of the assessment of items used within the paper properly formatted in APA 6th Edition style The reference list is NOT included in the word count Word counts include everything in the body of the assessment (including headings, citations, quotes) include a word count AFTER EACH SCTION The paper does not need an introduction or a conclusion and is to be organised into two parts using the headings and subheadings below e.g. Page 2 of 3 PART 1 Holistic assessment and planning: 900 words total this part does not require full paragraphs. Use appropriate templates/ tables to set out each part: Mental State Examination (need to be tabulated) Appearance Behaviour Speech Content of speech Mood and affect Thought Form Thought Content Perception Cognition Insight And 5Ps 1. Presenting problem(s) 2. Predisposing factors which made the individual vulnerable to the problem 3. Precipitating factors which triggered the problem 4. Perpetuating factors such as mechanisms which keep a problem going or unintended consequences of an attempt to cope with the problem Nursing care table (Example) Issue Intervention Goal Evaluation constipation related to medication side effects consumer has 1 hour accompanied walk/day regular elimination established assess bowel elimination 1/24 hours Ensure your work includes the name of the consumer which is Samuel and brief demographic data about them [e.g. Mary Citizen is an university educated 36 year old married woman and mother of a 14 year old girl] 1.1 The Mental Status Examination [350 words] provide a complete Mental Status Examination (MSE) of your consumer use specific examples from this case study to illustrate each part of the MSE you must use and define psychiatric terms accurately (e.g. Instead of talks fast use the correct term pressure of speech, define it properly and cite your sources)1.2 A Clinical Formulation Table [250 words] use information gathered from the MSE and the bio-psycho-social assessment (include history of presenting complaint, family and social history, current living situation, the consumers strengths and coping strategies, medical history to complete a table under the headings of presenting, precipitating, predisposing, perpetuating and protective factors (5Ps) relevant to your consumers clinical presentation.1.3 Plan for Nursing Care [300 words] using Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, identify and prioritise the needs of your consumer select the two (2) highest priority issues identified and clearly indicate what they are and why they are highest priority outline your nursing care, focusing on one (1) nursing intervention for each of these needs and your rationale for each i.e. describe how the intervention assists your consumer to address or meet each need; interventions must be nursing related, detailed, practical and within your scope of practice of Student Nurse, ** NOTE: in part two you will be explaining how you would develop and use a therapeutic relationship with this consumer, and how cultural safety and the recovery model influenced your nursing care and choice of interventions Nursing care interventions must have a short term goal (short term = goal setting over a day or two) For each nursing care intervention state how you will evaluate if its goal is being achieved. Justify the intervention, goal and evaluation with appropriate references for EXAMPLE OF NURSING CARE Issue Intervention Goal Evaluation constipation related to medication side effects consumer has 1 hour accompanied walk/day (Cox, et al., 2013) regular elimination established (Cox, et al., 2013) assess bowel elimination 1/24 hours (Cox, et al., 2013)2.0 Therapeutic engagement and clinical interpretation: 1100 words total This part of the paper is to be written in properly constructed sentences and paragraphs under each subheading [not dot points] and is to provide further description and depth to the assessment and care planning identified in Part 1. 2.1 Clinical handover [200words]: Synthesise (consider together) the results of your MSE and clinical formulation to construct a paragraph describing the consumer and their main concerns that you could present at a clinical handover meeting. Note: This is not merely a repetition of the case study material it is an analysis and synthesis of the material and the MSE to produce the clinical formulation that answers why this person, why now, why with this presenting situation. This is the information your colleagues need to know so they can continue working with the consumer when you go home. Remember to keep a nursing focus. 2.2 The Therapeutic Relationship [250 words]: Explain how and why a therapeutic relationship will be established with your consumer. This must not be general description of therapeutic relationships but demonstrate that you are applying it to Samuel. Therapeutic engagement entails the formation of a helpful relationship with Samuel, being mindful of cultural safety and professional boundaries, and the use of specific communication strategies that facilitates a clear understanding of Samuels experience of his mental health difficulties and ways he believes they can heal and recover. Clinical interpretation involves integration of information following thorough assessments e.g. the MSE and clinical formulation into a succinct summary that informed the nursing care you undertook. Then describe at least one (1) specific strategy appropriate for the development of a therapeutic relationship with Samuel and how it was applied in the nursing care interventions you described in Step 1. 2.3 Cultural Safety [250 words]. Describe the first step you would take to ensure that you deliver culturally safe care to this consumer. Then identify and describe one (1) issue that working with Samuel may present for you. Describe which of the principles of cultural safety you used in applying cultural safety in the nursing care interventions you described in Step 1. 2.4 Nursing Care and Recovery Model [400 words]. Consider the nursing interventions you developed in Step 1. Describe how these nursing interventions take the five (5) principles of the Recovery Model (refer to https://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/CFA833CB8C1AA178CA257BF0001E7520/$File/servpri.pdf ) into account and relate these to your specific consumers recovery process. Markers Expectations: 1. Effectively used the MSE to present a complete mental status assessment & accurately developed and presented a table addressing all 5ps accurately always using examples from the case study clearly defined and referenced major terms and applied them accurately provided a thorough, systematic analytic summary. 2. Accurately prioritised needs by correctly applying Maslows hierarchy fully complete understanding demonstrated. 3. Issues concerning the therapeutic relationship and cultural safety fully demonstrated and related to consumer discussion always supported by reference to literature. 4. Provided complete interventions, goals and evaluation and used all the recovery principles correctly discussion always supported by reference to nursing literature. 5. provided a comprehensive well-written and accurately referenced account fully followed presentation requirements within word limitAbout Samuel: Samuel is a 25yr old gay single man living in a shared house in West End, Brisbane, Australia. He works locally full time as a barber and reports loving his job he and his work mates frequently go out after work and drink about 5 standard drinks a night. Samuel admits to smoking the odd joint to help reduce stress now and again. Samuel also spends much of his spare time at the gym working out. He is moderate in build, has a prominent handlebar black moustache and has a large wooden nose ring. Born in Korea to Korean born parents, Samuel is an only child. The family moved to Australia when he was 2 years old. Samuel reports feeling guilty that he is not the traditional son he perceives his parents want as he will not marry a wife nor does he wish to have children. His Mother has suffered from anxiety and depression off and on for as long as Samuel can remember. He excelled at high school however was the victim of a brutal assault while celebrating Schoolies 8 years ago. He was in a unit and was beaten by up to 4 young men in what Samuel describes as a gay bashing. He has a faint scar underneath his chin from having his head pushed into a kitchen island bench. It is evident that his nose has been broken as it is markedly crooked. He required 3 days hospitalisation to recover from the physical injuries. Samuel is case managed in the community and is a Voluntary Patient. He has required 3 admissions in the past 8 years with fleeting thoughts of self- harm and increased anxiety. He was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He had previously no history of mental illness. He is on a low dose anti-depressant and sees his case manager monthly. In the past he has started counselling sessions and attended peer support groups. He has not continued any of these recommended treatments as he reports feeling better after a few sessions. Samuel calls his case manager Mary requesting a home visit as he feels he needs more support at the moment. On arrival Samuel tells Mary he is feeling like a nut case and has not been to work for few days. Samuel describes feeling anxious watching the latest television reports on Schoolies. He describes waking up to 3 times at night after experiencing nightmares about his assault Its like Im right back in the unit getting the crap beaten out of metheres nothing I can do. He has stopped going to work due to feeling exhausted and on the edge. He is restless, fidgeting and speaking quickly when talking with Mary. Samuel states that his boss has warned him that if he needs more than 2 weeks of sick leave he will have to fire him. I cant go to work I just cant stop thinking about the bashing. It replays in my head over and over again. I try to watch TV or go to the gym and BANG the bashing pops up in my mind and I break out in a sweat and have to get out of there Samuel complains of feeling tired and afraid to go to sleep at night. He has increased his alcohol use and is finding that the joints arent even helping that much. He is worried about losing his job as if this occurs it is likely that he will not be able to keep up with his rent. His house mates and co-workers are very supportive of Samuel and he finds much comfort and strength in this. Samuel denies any thoughts of self- harm or suicide. He feels he can work on his anxiety in the community and that he does not require admission to a hospital. His case manager agrees with this and will provide an increased level of support for Samuel in the community.

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