This essay must identify the Legislation and theory underpinning your work at MIND. I need you to be able to demonstrate that you have a working knowledge of the legislation as it applies to your practice at placement. I also need you to make the necessary links between the recovery model and other theories you described in the presentation and how these link to your current work. Be reflective, use examples and critique and analyse these theoretical perspectives. Strength based approach, model of recovery in mental health and Mental health Act I need you to be more analytical and reflective in terms of the relationship between these and the actual work you are undertaking.
please read
Please focus on Mental health Act
Model of recovery mental Health
strength-based assessment
Currently I am doing my social work placement at a residential setting working with people with mental health ad the program is under Mind Australia and the residential setting is called Apollo.
• Apollo is a Residential Rehabilitation program that provides supported accommodation to young males and females 16-24 years old. The site capacity is for 8 young people within 3 units.
• The residents can stay with Apollo for up to 1 year s needed, and can continue to receive support via referral to MIND Outreach after they move on.
• Residential programs that provide a safe, supportive environment in which to work more extensively on recovery
• Courses and workshops for skills building and helping people learn how to manage their health and wellbeing.
• Hope- courage and perseverance knowing that people do recover from mental health challenge.
people come to the service because they have mental illness / drugs or alcohol
and want to improve quality of life
I have done a power point presentation but the teacher wants me to write 1500 word explaining and be critical analytical underpinning the theories of mental health model, strength based and Mental health act
This is the mental health Act relevant to the service
Mind Australia
Mind is leading non government provide of mental Health support services throughout Australia.
-Mind Help people to gain Mental health and improve their quality of life.
-Provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health problem, raise awareness and promote understanding.
-Support individual and families.
-Empower people who experience experience mental health problem to make informed choices about how they live and recover.
-Open the doors to people with experience of mental health problems participating fully in society.
-gain equality of treatment for people who experience both mental health and other forms of discrimination.
-Ensuring that the service meet people’s needs and improve quality life ( McGorry, 2007).
-Mind value and utilise people’s lived experiences McGorry, 2007)..
Mental Health Act
The act promotes supported decision making
-Strong communication between health practitioner family and consumer.
-Support people with mental health illness and have their view and preference respected.
-Assessment and treatment
-people are supported to make and participate in decision about their assessment, treatment and recovery.
-Individual’s right and dignity and autonomy are promoted and protected at all times.
-Holistic care and support for individual’s needs
-The wellbeing and safety of clients are protected.
Strength based approach emphasises on individuals self determination is a client led and focus on future out comes and strength that individual brings to resolution or problem.
• Empowering people to take a lead in their own care process
• Working in collaborative way to a mutual agreed upon goals
• Supporting clients to identify their strength and resources, including important people in their lives.
• Listening to client’s concerns and taking their feeling seriously.
• Using open question to understand client’s point of view.
• Having a direct conversation with clients about risk to wellness and safety
• People can change given the right support and resources
• People are the expert of their own situation (McGorry etc, 2009).
Skills for facilitating SBA
Gaining an understanding of the person and identification of meaningful goal.
Curiosity, active listening, focusing on abilities and strength,
Exploring what is important- values, compassion, empathy, hope,