Media campaign research brief and stategy
The primary parts ofthis assignment are three: research, listening and strategy. The first two units, research and listening usually form a
research briefing report. Aresearch briefing report is a communication tool used to help in strategic planning and development and is
presented during planning meetingsto business directors, heads of department or key stakeholders. It is also used by independent
practitioners and consultants when briefing clients. Such reports normally need with a strategic advice.
Research and listening (which is research of and through social media too) produce the solution of a problem: whatto do. Strategy decides howto do it (including,
choice o media, messages and content). Communication strategy is howto achieve a goal through communication. Not all strategies involve
communication. For example, there are action strategies,too. Similarly, social media strategies are not all communication strategies. In this course, you will practice
and learn an innovative social media campaign. You have to research the problem, listen to the social media influentials and come up with a social media strategy.