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Media Analysis

Sociology 201: Social Problems
Writing Assignment: Media Analysis

For this assignment you will pick one U.S social problem. You will then find at least three news sources and analyze how the social problem is constructed (what claims are being made) by those media sources. Note: this is not an opinion piece supported by media. This is an analysis of how the media discuss a problem. This paper should be 12-point font, one-inch margins, double spaced, and around 4 pages in length (no more than 5 pages).

Your paper should include all the following aspects:
    Define the social problem.  Why is this issue considered a social problem?  This should be discussed in your introduction, which should also map out where the paper is going from there.
    Are the views of the problem objective or subjective?  In what way? Provide proof to support your answer.
    Do the sources approach the problem using a sociological lens?  How so? If so, what makes them more than just journalistic?
    What solutions are offered? Do these vary by claims makers?  Use proof to support your answer.
    Overall, how is the social problem constructed in the media?  What rhetorical devices are used to construct the problem (e.g., data, emotion, anecdotes, etc.). Are these constructions the same throughout each source?  How do different claims makers attach different meanings to the social problem at hand? This last paragraph will likely be the longest and most nuanced.
Each paper should have a formal introduction (that maps out where the paper is going) and a conclusion.  Use quotes from the media sources throughout to support your answers and cite properly.

The writing assignment will be graded according to the following rubric:

    Clearly written introduction where the problem is stated and why the problem is a social concern. The introduction also sets up where the paper is going from there (4 points)
    Concise conclusion that wraps up the paper and major points. (3 points)
    Correct citations, both internally and in works cited page. (3 points)
    A good use of quotes from your news sources to support your ideas throughout the paper, and the proper number of news sources. (4 points)
    Fully addressing each question of the prompt (16 points- 4 per question)
    Are the views of the problem objective or subjective?  In what way? Provide proof to support your answer.
    Do the sources approach the problem using a sociological lens?  How so? If so, what makes them more than just journalistic?
    What solutions are offered? Do these vary by claims makers?  Use proof to support your answer.
    Overall, how is the social problem constructed in the media?  What rhetorical devices are used to construct the problem (e.g., data, emotion, anecdotes, etc.). Are these constructions the same throughout each source?  How do different claims makers attach different meanings to the social problem at hand? This last paragraph will likely be the longest and most nuanced.

Total: 30 points

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