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Marketing Campaign

Marketing Campaign

In the last assignment, you analyzed the market. Now, based on that analysis, create a sustainable MARKETING campaign for that same organization (Procter and Gamble (P&G)). Please do NOT

create a global plan for a giant corporation. Pick ONE product and ONE market. Also, this is NOT a report: you need to lead and generate ideas.

Write your paper in the following order, with separate sections, not a continuous essay. You have only 3000 words (no allowances or overages) and may allocate your words as you wish.

I. Cover Sheet + Table of Contents. Does not count toward word total. The cover sheet should include the title of your paper (including the name of the company).

II. Introduction + Goals (25 points). This consists of three parts…

1.    BRIEFLY describe your organization. This is simply to remind the reader of who your company is and what they do, so please limit this to key information in a sentence or two.

2.    Identify your target market. Just say who your target market is — you don’t need to analyze them again. This could be any of the stakeholders from your midterm, though most likely

it will be the customers. If you want to target a new customer segment, explain why.

3.    Set 3BL MARKETING goals: You will need to create 3 S.M.A.R.T. goals — one each for People, Planet, and Profit. Make sure they are goals, not policies, and make sure they are related to

your marketing campaign, not goals for human resources or operations.

III. Your Marketing Mix, The First 3P’s (25 points). How will you achieve your goals? Again, this is not a report — demonstrate your original thinking. Be sure to justify your decisions (the WHY) with

research. And don’t forget to emphasize sustainability!

1.    Product: What are you selling? (Pick just ONE product or service if your company has several.) How is it different or better than the competition? Will you change anything? Why or why


2.    Price: What is the company’s current pricing strategy? What will be your new pricing strategy, and why? Show the old price, the new price, and a competitor’s price. (That’s 3 different


3.    Place: What is the product’s current distribution? How would you change that distribution and why? How will your distribution compare to the competition?

IV. Your Promotion Plan using AIDA+ (25 points).

1.    Please structure your Promotion Plan with each of the 5 stages of AIDA+. In each stage, describe the media and messages you will use, explain why, and use research to support your

reasoning. Be specific about where and when your promotions will run.

V. Promotion Budget & Implementation Calendar (25 points).

1.    Based on your goals and your AIDA+ plan, create a detailed OBJECTIVE-AND-TASK budget. Do NOT include ordinary operational expenses, such as office space, salaries, or cost of goods

sold. Just show specific promotion expenses. You must research and use actual costs. Remember, an objective-and-task budget shows how each marketing expense will contribute to your goal,

so show the calculations and projected results for each expense.

2.    Create a timeline of specific dates and activities. This can be a simple list or a Gantt chart.

VI. Reference Notes + Bibliography. Research is an absolutely critical component of this paper. Support all of your facts, data and arguments using multiple authoritative sources, not just

company websites. No Wikipedia. Every source you cite must be directly relevant to your paper, so do not include class readings unless you used them to create this plan. Include reference

notes in the body of the document AND a bibliography of all your sources at the end. Please use a proper reference note format, as we discussed in class. Your reference notes and bibliography

do not count toward word total.


•    Length: Maximum 3000 words — no overage allowed. Longer papers will be downgraded 1 point for each % they exceed the limit. The maximum does not include the title page, contents,

reference notes, or bibliography. However, words in charts and tables DO count toward your limit. Do not fill your plan with definitions, theories or unnecessary background information.

•    Proofread: Proofread your paper to minimize errors and ensure clarity. Also, reread the instructions AFTER your paper is complete to catch any omissions..

•    Objectivity & Feasibility: Your paper should be a well-reasoned and substantiated argument. If you say, “our product is high quality,” PROVE IT with facts or third-party quotes. Also,

don’t just present your ideas; explain them. Why is this the best option?

ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM: This is a test of your original analysis and thinking, not your ability to copy and paste. You must base your plan on research, but quote other sources sparingly and

always use proper quotation marks and references. We’ve discussed plagiarism at length in the forum and at your induction; it’s your responsibility to completely avoid any form of plagiarism.

•    Grading: Grading will be based on:
o    your understanding of marketing theories and frameworks
o    how sustainable your marketing plan is
o    the quantity and quality of your research and analysis
o    the creativity and originality of your ideas and strategies
o    the clarity of your writing — please proofread

Here’s what your final paper grade will mean:

A.    Professional – Rare. This plan is professional quality with a strong mix of strategy and creativity, extensive details and research. Few if any errors.
B.    Exceeds Expectations – Uncommon. This plan is detailed and well-supported by research, but could be stronger strategically or creativity. Few if any errors.
C.    Average – Common. This plan meets minimum expectations, but is not strong creatively or strategically. Some errors.
D.    Below Expectations – Hopefully uncommon. This plan contains good elements, but it is mostly a report, it’s not sustainable, and/or it contains many errors
E.    Amateur – Hopefully rare. This plan contains significant errors, including omissions of paper requirements. It may be difficult to understand.
F.    Fail – Hopefully nonexistent. This plan does not follow instructions, and suggests lack of effort and understanding.

I know all this sounds very stringent, but here’s the most important rule: HAVE FUN WITH IT! Marketing is the one business discipline where creativity is not only allowed, it’s encouraged. Use

your imagination and make this the kind of project you’d want to show current and prospective employers and clients.

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Marketing Campaign

Marketing Campaign

Order Description
Assignment Instructions
Over the past 4 weeks, we have discussed many forms of communication. Last week, we specifically looked at visuals and the best way to make use of them. We are, once again, going to focus this information on a specific area…Marketing. Following, you will find links to several journal articles. Please read all of them to give you a good idea of what you need to do to come up with a good marketing campaign. I would like you to create a fictional company and come up with a marketing campaign to brand that company. Make sure that you give me some background as to what the company sells and who you are trying to reach, your campaign should target that audience. Think of this as a pitch to the customer as to how you would like to brand their and why. I do not expect you to create an all-inclusive campaign, you just need to be able to clearly express your ideas to your client. You will want to include some research to show your client that you have looked into their company as well as the market that they intend to sell. Please attach your paper as a Word document to this assignment.

Sandhya, R., & Girija, P.P. (2011). Tata Tea’s Jaago Re! Campaign: The Social-Cause Marketing Initiatives and Long-Term Branding Initiatives. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 8(2), 31-60.

Fairy Liquid Case Study: Using Evocative Marketing Techniques to Boost Product Sales. (2011). Datamonitor, 1-14.

Old El Paso Case Study:Addressing the Connectivity Trend with the Meal Kit Concept.(2010). Datamonitor, 1-12.

Vaseline Case Study: Creating Stand Out Appeal in the Body Skincare Market, (2010). Datamonitor, 1-16.

Paper must include:

Cover Page
3-5 pages content
Reference Page –

Wikepedia is not an acceptable source for this paper should you choose to use additional sources.

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Marketing Campaign

Marketing Campaign

Order Description
Assignment Instructions
Over the past 4 weeks, we have discussed many forms of communication. Last week, we specifically looked at visuals and the best way to make use of them. We are, once again, going to focus this information on a specific area…Marketing. Following, you will find links to several journal articles. Please read all of them to give you a good idea of what you need to do to come up with a good marketing campaign. I would like you to create a fictional company and come up with a marketing campaign to brand that company. Make sure that you give me some background as to what the company sells and who you are trying to reach, your campaign should target that audience. Think of this as a pitch to the customer as to how you would like to brand their and why. I do not expect you to create an all-inclusive campaign, you just need to be able to clearly express your ideas to your client. You will want to include some research to show your client that you have looked into their company as well as the market that they intend to sell. Please attach your paper as a Word document to this assignment.

Sandhya, R., & Girija, P.P. (2011). Tata Tea’s Jaago Re! Campaign: The Social-Cause Marketing Initiatives and Long-Term Branding Initiatives. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 8(2), 31-60.

Fairy Liquid Case Study: Using Evocative Marketing Techniques to Boost Product Sales. (2011). Datamonitor, 1-14.

Old El Paso Case Study:Addressing the Connectivity Trend with the Meal Kit Concept.(2010). Datamonitor, 1-12.

Vaseline Case Study: Creating Stand Out Appeal in the Body Skincare Market, (2010). Datamonitor, 1-16.

Paper must include:

Cover Page
3-5 pages content
Reference Page –

Wikepedia is not an acceptable source for this paper should you choose to use additional sources.

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