1 What is the role of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in securing trade in maritime ports 2 Additionally. how did the Homeland Security Act of 2002 change the structure of COP?.
2 The Global Transportation System (GTS) has a big impact on just about every aspect of our daily life. Certainly. Port Management Security is well aware of the economic impact and the threat of disruption to the GTS. What are the four components of the GTS ( air. sea. land. and rail transport systems) and what are the subsequent critical infrastructure within each that support these components of the GTS.
3 What is the strategy of the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) of 2002? Additionally. what are the basic port facility vulnerabilities as categorized by the United States Coast Guard?
4 Besides the MTSA of 2002. what are three programs or legislative acts that were created for the purpose of enhancing port security and homeland security and has improved port security operations by protecting and safeguarding U.S. ports from terrorists and criminal threats.
August 12th, 2017 admin