knowledge management, tacit.
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tacit knowledge codification debates within organization, and what are the implications for the management of knowledge within organisations?including organization
culture, leadership, structure design, innovation, HRM role ,IT role , motivation. please use the following references :1)Hislop, D. (2009). Knowledge Management in
Organizations: A Critical Introduction (second edition). Oxford University Press.
2)Difficulties in diffusion of tacit knowledge in organizations
Tua Haldin-Herrgard,2000.
3)Alavi, M.; Kayworth, T. and Leidner, D. (2005) An empirical examination of the influence of organizational culture on knowledge management practices. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 22(3), 191-224.
4)Bate, P. (1984) The impact of organisational culture on approaches to organisational problem solving. Organisational Studies, 5(1), 43-66.
5)Currie, G. and Kerrin, M. (2003) Human resource management and knowledge management: enhancing knowledge sharing in a pharmaceutical company. The International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(6), 1027-1045.
6)Elliot, S. and Coley-Smith, H. (2005) Building a new performance management model at BP. Strategic Communication Management, 9(5), 4-29.
7)Glisby, M. and Holden, N. (2003). Contextual constraints in knowledge management theory: the cultural embeddedness of Nonaka’s knowledge creating company, Knowledge
and Process Management, 10(1), 29-36.
8)Politis, J. (2002) Transformational and transactional leadership enabling (disabling) knowledge acquisition of self-managed teams: the consequences for performance.
Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 12, 295-336.
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