Early in the semester, you will make contact with a student or person from a culture other than the United States (preferably someone from a culture that is largely distinct from the U.S.). You will be asked to meet with this person a minimum of three times to share information about your cultures and communication in those cultures. Background research on the culture of the person you are meeting will be necessary to increase your cultural sensitivity and awareness and will be included in your paper. You will keep a written journal (or audio- or videotape if you so choose and your partner agrees) detailing elements of your interactions which you will hand in with your final paper. You will then generate an 8-10 page paper in which you provide an overview of the background research you have done (include a bibliography) and discuss in some detail your interactions (engagements) with your international partner as well as what you have learned about cultural communication styles in your cross-cultural experience. What surprised you? What was the most difficult in learning how to communicate effectively? What was easy?