****ONLY writer with graduate-level writing experience will be considered****
Instructions: This is your final integration paper for this class. This paper may be written in sections as your proceed through the class itself.
Details of the paper: The Final Paper utilizes an adaptation of Kolb’s theory of reflection written in APA writing style (see a presentation of Kolb’s theory in the course Resources):
•  Describe the experience in individual career field Human Resources (HR)
•  Reflect on the experience using theory and literature
•  Evaluate the experience/situation using theory and literature: How does the theory/literature challenge your experience and how does your experience challenge the theory/literature?
•  Recommendations for change in the situation/experience or change in the theory and a discussion of personal and organizational learning as a result of this work.
****This work is EXPECTED to be the UNIQUE and PLAGIARISM free****
Further instruction will be provided to the selected writer