In preparation for the Critical Thinking Paper and by completing your textbook readings you will be equipped to respond by objectively compiling information from a variety of sources to compose a Critical Thinking Paper; applying critical thinking strategies; identifying informal logical fallacies commonly used in argumentation; defining the term worldview; identifying components of a biblical/Christian worldview; and employing strategies to communicate the Christian gospel to a person from a non-Christian worldview (Syllabus MLOs: A, B, E and Module/Week 6 LOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).Before you begin writing your paper, you should first consider which formatting style you will be using. In this course, you are allowed to choose the one that you are more familiar with, or the one that will ultimately be the style most often used within your major.This is a research paper, not a Discussion Board Forum, so it is required that your paper will be formatted and cited using one of the following styles: current APA, MLA, or Turabian. This is the first page to be included in your paper (based on the formatting style that you will be using, see the sample papers in Blackboard).Instructions:This is a Critical Thinking assignment so you must go beyond just giving factual content, and demonstrate your comprehension of the material. To accomplish this, the assignment will be asking you to your selected worldview (, , , or ) with the .In your paper, you must follow the outline and answer the questions below.*An overview of these specific worldview questions can be found in chapter 4 of .
In preparation for the Critical Thinking Paper and by completing your textbook readings
August 8th, 2017 admin