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Many organizations, cities and counties have embraced a zero waste slogan while pressing for non of the key zero waste changes ( e,g, pay as you throw). in fact. it is
common for many to simply state that recycling is their entire goal. Likewise, many commercial or industrial companies claim to embrace zero waste but usually mean no
more than major material recycling effort, or reliance on burn technology, having no bearing on product redesign. ( Do you agree or disagree with this statement ? if
you agree, state why, and identify the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining a strict definition and standard of zero waste. If you do not agree, state why, and
identify the advantages and disadvantages of developing a less stringent approach to zero wasting).
You are awarded up to 20 points based on: (1) a statement of agreement or disagreement, (2) identification of advantages and disadvantages, (3) examples to back up
your statement, (4) composition, (5) brevity, (6) reference, and (7) cleverness.