Topic: How social media facilitate the process of migration: a case study of migrant workers in Saudi Arabia
Order Description
1-write chapter 1 ‘Introduction’,
2-write chapter 4 ‘Results and analysis’. The analysis should be done by using SPSS. The results should be ready after 15 days, they will be available in a survey link and I am going to supply you with the username and password in order to access the results from the questionnaire
4- write a conclusion & recommendation
5- Write Abstract and acknowledgment
I need every chapter completed to be uploaded straight away in order to get a feedback from the supervisor, otherwise they will be no time to do a feedback for the whole work. Any feedback asked about a chapter should be made at time and uploaded again to make sure that every thing in the right track
Please put introduction and conclusion in both chapter 4 & 5.
I upload the proposal , literature review chapter and the methodology chapter as well as the interview questions and the questionnaire
At the end, please add all chapters you have done and I uploaded in one document, update table of contents and pages number after adding lists of figures and lists of tables.
Please put the interview questions, questionnaire in the appendices at the end of the work.
Finally, please make sure to complete the whole work on 5th September a latest