Please read Chapter 12 of Lean Six Sigma book, the Chapter is about 5S, this is a fundamental Lean Tool that not only organizes a physical space, process or any area that we work and live within, it’s about the discipline to follow a process.
Please answer these questions, and think about this in the context that you have observed. You can use your home, classroom, computer lab, personal work experiences etc. Any experience will work in answering the questions…
1. Read Chapter 12. Upon finishing, please provide an example as mentioned above in which you’ve seen 5S work, and where 5S is needed. Provide examples that supports your answer.
2. We talk about 5S and the discipline to follow is key, why?
3. On page 130 in Figure 12.12 there is an example of a 5S Audit Sheet, please create one for your own personal use? Again think of the examples above, and provide a detailed audit sheet? How do you sustain this checklist, meaning how will it work over an extended time frame?
Chapter 12 of Lean Six Sigma book is provided. It is shown in the attachment spot.