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History Essays

Adolf Hilter was a Nazi Leader in Germany and one of the most powerful dictators of the 20th Century. He was the National Socialist German Workers Party leader after the World War I and took over the government leadership in 1933. Hitler had a lot of impact in the German history for various reasons.

Hitler was feared leaders and one of the influencers of the World War II through his attacks such as his invasion of Poland. He influenced the Germans to carry out attacks on various by invading Europe and North Africa during his reign. He had a strong passion for wars as he led his army to various battles to expand his territory. Some of the battles during his time involved one fought with the Soviet Union in which they lost terribly. Another thing that made Hilter famous is his work as the lecturer in the department of education where he lectured the returning soldiers on the possible dangers of socialism, communism, and pacifism. He contributed to the WWW II largely by ensuring that his soldiers, the Germans took part in the war making it last for a long time. Hitler contributed to the discrimination of non-Germans such as the Jews by separating them and placing them in camps. The holocaust was also Hitler’s contribution in which millions died due to his hatred for the non-Germans.

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, had a big impact on the US and the world’s way of life especially on issues concerning insecurity and human rights. After the attacks, the US authorities banned airplanes from flying through their airways leading to a transport crisis. Many people had already made their bookings in different places and had to travel. The people decided to use their cars and reach their destinations by the roads, which led to many accidents. Many died in road accidents and several others were injured. Another impact of the attack was increased illnesses for the rescuers and citizens who resided near the attack scene. Several people complained of chest illnesses after the attack, which can be associated with the air that contained high levels of carcinogens. In fact, the estimated number of deaths was 1,595 a figure that was almost half the ones who died in the attack. The attack led to a new focus on combating terrorism in the world and so far, the Al-Qaida group has not been able to do a major attack. America partnered with other countries in fighting terrorism through funding and trading. Democracy in the US was thwarted for some time as the president ordered retaliatory attacks in which they bombed mosques and bazaars in Pakistan. The US lost trust from many nations after the retaliatory attacks as many countries and people all over the world no longer believe in the America’s claim of protecting human rights. Many do not trust other claims by the US such as the campaign for climate change, respect for life, or freedom of information. Countries in the world became more cautious on the ways of handling their citizens by ensuring that there is equality, especially in religious matters. The attack also resulted to fear of the Islamic religion, as the al-Qaida group is associated with Islam.


Cowling, M. (1975). The impact of Hitler. Cambridge University Press.

Huddy, L., & Feldman, S. (2011). Americans respond politically to 9/11: understanding the impact of the terrorist attacks and their aftermath. American Psychologist, 66(6), 455.

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history Essays

history Essays – Students are required to write THREE essays in EXCESS OF 1000- words for the course. There are two possible approaches for essay topics. There are links for each approach for each chapter accessible via the Essay Topics folders in Blackboard. The first possible approach (“Research Topics”) takes you to the publisher website. In most cases, you should see a specific question immediately beneath the word, “Overview,” for each chapter set of topics/documents. Answer that question by reading read one or more documents (choosing from the tab list of three to five, or more, documents just below the question). You are to answer the question, with reference to the textbook and the chosen document in the form of an essay to be submitted via turnitin.com. The turnitin.com inbox is within Blackboard. No special enrollment code or password is needed. The second possible approach takes you to a list of three to five documents. You are then directed to choose one, and then answer the questions immediately following that document (scroll down to the end of the docs and there are the questions.) Instead of writing the answers in the boxes below each question, you should present the answers IN THE FORM OF AN ESSAY and submit it on turnitin.com. With either approach, these document-based essays should provide a clearly articulated thesis, supported by relevant detail (names, dates, places, examples, etc.) Each essay will be take-home, and must be submitted viaturnitin.com. The text of the essay, formatted appropriately, must be submitted by the deadline given on Blackboard in time for turnitin.com to complete an originality report. Essays should be double-spaced, 12pt font, with one-inch margins all around. Footnotes are required when quoting other sources and should be given only at the bottom of the page. However, students are expected to write the entire essay in their own words and SHOULD NOT use quotations unless absolutely necessary (defined as a “life or death” decision – someone may die unless you COPY someone else’s words.) In other words, essays should be ENTIRELY in YOUR OWN WORDS. Footnotes, as needed, should be the same font size as the text, or smaller, and should be singlespaced. All essays must be submitted via turnitin.com. All papers must have an introduction with a clearly stated thesis statement or argument. The introduction should indicate what the paper is about, what arguments will be made, and how those arguments will be supported in the body of the paper. The main body of the paper should develop and support, with detail and examples, those points laid out in the introduction. The conclusion should summarize the findings and/or arguments of the paper, but should refrain from introducing any new facts or arguments. Students are expected to write all exam essays in their own words and SHOULD NOT use quotations from secondary sources. Correct application of the rules of grammar and punctuation, and accurate spelling, are required. All questions of grammar and punctuation will be resolved with reference to the Chicago Manual of Style. The use of personal pronouns such as I, me, my, and you are always to be avoided. Triple/quadruple spacing between paragraphs is always to be avoided. Direct quotes from primary or secondary sources are always to be avoided. All foreign terms (Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French, etc.), except names of people, places, or other foreign terms accepted as part of the English language are always to be underlined. Other specifications concerning style will be noted in writing to the class as required. Papers handed in after deadlines will lose 10% for each twenty-four hour period or fraction thereof that it is late. Essays are to be submitted online viaturnitin.com before each deadline date/time for the completion of an originality report. Papers submitted by email will not be accepted. No rewrites will be accepted after the deadlinetopic:
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