Topic: heuristics- case study
Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.K.)
Select four (2) cases of online learning and teaching that have been provided on the subject web site. Read through each of the chosen case studies and identify the range of design strategies and implementation issues for learners, teachers and designers.
Develop four (2) heuristic statements that express a general principle arising from each of the cases that serves as guidance for teachers and designers ofonline learning environments. Accompany each heuristic with an explanation of not more than 600 words, using examples from your own experience and details from the cases to provide support for your reasoning. Include at least one literature reference (in addition to the case study reference itself) to support your explanation for each heuristic. Suggestedreadings to support you in this task are provided on the subject web site. Noticed: Each Case study write 2 pages(550 words)
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August 30 7:35 Student_examples.doc 28 kb Download