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One of the mostly argued and contentious arguments in the modern world is the origin of the earth or rather the universe. Scientists believe in evolution and they have gone ahead to explain a million and one reasons which they present as evidence to evolution. Talk of Big Bang theory or the Darwin’s theory which all try to explain the origin of the earth and evolution of man respectively. There is no single theory or evidence that has satisfactorily explained the origin of the earth and humanity. Religious people have also not been left behind in this contest to explain the mystery of creation. Culturally, humanity and creation as been associated with supernatural being that have continued to be worshiped and respected as ‘gods’. Interestingly, this also leaves a void since no one has substantial evidence to support their arguments. The Christians on the other hand hold the belief that the world is a creation of a supernatural, ever living God who will bring judgment to the whole world and all its beings. This stand is well credited since it’s supported by the Holy Book, the Bible, which is believed to be God inspired and therefore truthful. This essay will be an attempt to raise an argument to support that the earth and all it contains is a creation of God and thus the hard stand that God is the creator of the earth, the heavens, and all that are them.

God is the sole creator of the earth, the heaven, the plants, animals and the very human beings. He alone can create by simply saying, let there be and it becomes . This is the simplistic account of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, which give an account of the formless nature of the world before creation and the beauty that followed creation. The earth was formless and full of darkness. The only existing thing was the Spirit of god which hovering all over 1. These are the introductory words in Genesis

1 Genesis 1:1 -2

Chapter 1, which their importance in the life of every human beings believers and unbelievers alike. This is because they give the core source to everything. The only question is whether one believes in these words or not. But the truth is everything has a beginning

According to Barth, one of the most studied theologians of the 20th century, the creation story is a witness to the beginning of everything. No science or human intellect can explain this beginning because no one was there. We can only understand the origin from the eye witness of the beginning. And this is God Himself who has revealed Himself to us through His words which is the only way to understanding creation. The revelation of God is inaccessible to scientists and thus science or rather evolution cannot explain the beginning of everything 2. Creation cannot be observed or tested which are the premise science works, thus rendering evolution theories worthless in explaining creation 2.

Creation story is one the most interesting tests in the life of a Christian. This is underlined by the fact that most believers do not completely believe the creation story or rather they are indifferent about it. Unfortunately this should form the basis for Christian faith. From the first book of the bible to the last, creation story has been alluded to more than 200 times underscoring its significance in Christian faith. Barth’s main friction with the natural theologians stemmed from attempting to explain that creation was the work of grace for the purpose of man redemption and improving God – Man relationship. Creation therefore can be viewed as covenantal and a way of restoring man to Himself

[W]e would not have said the last decisive word about creation, if we did not add that the covenant between God and man is the meaning and the glory, the ground and the goal of heaven and earth and so of the whole creation . . . [I]t is not the case that the covenant

2 Barth Karl, Dogmatics in outline. Vol. 56. HarperCollins, 1959

between God and man is so to speak a second fact, something additional, but the covenant is as old as creation itself. When the existence of creation begins, God’s dealing with man also begins . . 3

To deny that God the creator offers the only explanation of creation is to deny Christ Himself because the Bible is so clear that God became incarnate to be born a man for the purpose of redeeming humanity. Hebrews draws a comparison between the dying Adam and Christ who give life. The first letter of John gives a clear explanation Christ who was from the beginning and the source of every creation. Since Christians believe in the redemptive power in Christ, it isn’t therefore difficult for Christian to associate with Barth’s stand that the purpose of creation was covenantal. Paul also brings this closer seeing the analogy of light in the beginning of creation as the light that brings salvation which is Christ. To deny creation is therefore a denial of Christ who is the source of creation and creation itself 4.

Natural theologians have criticized Barth’s work for his Christological perspective of creation which they argue has helped in the destruction of Christian faith 5. This however cannot deter my belief that the story of creation as narrated in the book of genesis forms a fundamental basis for christen faith and any attempt to deny it is tantamount to the denial of God Himself.

3 Barth Karl,

4 Barth, Karl. Church Dogmatics the Doctrine of God, Volume 2, Part2: The Election of God; the Command of God. Continuum, 2004.

5 Neal, Deonna D. “BE WHO YOU ARE: KARL BARTH’S ETHICS OF CREATION.” PhD diss., University of Notre Dame, 2010.

No one understands a product than the manufacturer, and so is creation. My belief is that the inspired words of God has written in the Bible gives a clearer picture of creation than any work of man who coincidentally is part of God creation himself. This, I believe is why Paul cautions Timothy from the false knowledge which he says has led many astray (1st Timothy 6:20). The modern theories of creation like big bang are part of this false knowledge and believing them is as dangerous as adding or removing a word to or from the bible because they lead all lead from the truth.

In conclusion, it understanding the truth has found in the Bible is the most important thing a Christian can do such a shaky world as this we are living in. Creation is just part of the many doctrines that modern science as attempted to explain albeit vainly. I concur with the Christological perspective of creation in that it’s the foundation of redemption through a covenant that God established himself for the good of humanity. To God be the glory forever and ever for establishing such a noble plan for mankind. God in creation, for goodness of Man – God relationship.


Barth Karl, Dogmatics in outline. Vol. 56. HarperCollins, 1959

Neal, Deonna D. “BE WHO YOU ARE: KARL BARTH’S ETHICS OF CREATION.” PhD diss., University of Notre Dame, 2010.

Barth, Karl. Church Dogmatics the Doctrine of God, Volume 2, Part2: The Election of God; the Command of God. Continuum, 2004.

Martin D. Henry Karl Barth on Creation (ITQ, vol. 69/3, 219–23). 2004

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