The paper must presents the facts of the issue and discuss possible personal, regional, or global impact that the problem is currently causing and possible solutions.
The body of the paper must be at least 5 pages long (font size 12, type New Times Roman, single spaced (10 pages if double spaced)) with standard one-inch margins. If you check your word count it will be about 2500 words. I will be checking word counts to determine if you met the minimum length. The 5-page (word count) requirement is addition to title pages, bibliography, illustrations, and any other supporting material. The bibliography must be a separate page with at least 5 citations from a variety of sources.
The paper and presentation must follow a standard format for citations in scientific writing such as Council of Scientific Editors or MLA.
Papers will be submitted for grading to the Digital Drop Box in D2L, and will be checked for plagiarism problems with Turnitin software. You may submit early and use Turnitin feedback to improve your paper without penalty until the due date.
The paper will have graded components for content, grammar, and style.
Sources of Information
You must find, cite both in text and in the bibliography, information from a variety of sources in order to receive full credit on this assignment. While you must have at least 5 citations, you are encouraged to include more. You must include information from the following types of sources:
A refereed scientific journal article from a NFCC library database.
A Federal government agency, e.g. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
A State government agency, e.g. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
A Non-governmental organization (NGO), e.g. The Nature Conservancy.
A newspaper.
All sources of factual information, pictures, graphics, etc. must have proper in text (parenthetical) citations and full citations in the bibliography (literature cited section) of your paper. For help with the NFCC library databases and citations, visit the library or go to: