topic is Medical Equipment sales in Japan
Global marketing managers must commit to a precise global market
entry continuum strategy for a selected foreign country market. More than
anything, this strategy commitment relies upon partnerships with the foreign
country and its economic market infrastructure entities (such as manufacturers,
distributors, wholesalers, retailers, utilities, media, and transportation).
The primary objective is to partner with a company capable of
facilitating the desired foreign market presence for a domestic company brand.
Typical partners are companies that use imported products to manufacture or
merchandise brands in the foreign market.
Joint venture strategies comprise a range of partnerships, from
licensing brand names and contract manufacturing of established products, to
shared commitments to produce and market in the foreign country.
Direct investment strategies represent a total commitment to the
foreign market and often involve partnering with suppliers, distributors, or
other supportive entities for the venture.
For the product or service and host country market you selected in
Week 1, do the following:
- Decide on the best global market entry strategy (export, joint venture, or
direct investment) using the continuum of risk and reward tradeoffs. Define the
market entry strategy objectives. - Select a host country partner (manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler,
retailer, or media network) to help achieve the global market entry strategy
objectives in the foreign company market. Describe the characteristics of the
desired partner. You need not identify any real businesses. - Describe how the global market entry strategy and partnership achieves the
continuum tradeoff objectives of balancing risks and rewards. - Cite all sources