-establish a context for introducing the statement of the problem
-include a statement of the problem and question(s) you will be investigating.
-state, in clear fashion, the research questions you are seeking to answer.
-begin, to encompass the research base related to the problem and questions.
-be written in such a way that it builds, in obvious ways, from the identification of a science education issue, to the statement of the problem, towards the research questions you are seeking to answer.
-demonstrate, in a general way, your familiarity with the research base; it should include citations from relevant research you are reviewing.
-clearly specify the research area you reviewed and articulate some findings of your synthesis.
-lastly, come to some sort of conclusion about the topic you chose to review.
-be somewhere in the order of 10 pages of typed, double-spaced text, 12 point font, with 1inch margins, and references in your properly cited.
– your write-up must be completed according to APA (6th edition)guidlines.
How do girls engage in science
October 23rd, 2016