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Using the WileyPlus resources, go to the Interactive Case Study “How News Lifts – or Sinks – World Stock” example located in Chapter 16. To access the entire textbook, use the WileyPLUS Read, Study & Practice link located in the Student Center.

Create a ten to fifteen (10-15) slide PowerPoint presentation (be creative). Be sure to use the speaker notes for the details.
1.Select two (2) tech stock companies that attempted to make profits from rising consumer demand after the crash. Analyze how they attempted to make a profit after the crash and discuss any unethical practices.
2.Evaluate the change in consumer demand trends after the crash for each of the tech stock companies you researched. Provide examples with your evaluation and use graphics such as charts, when applicable.
3.Discuss at least two (2) strategies that multinational corporations (MNCs) can undertake in order to make profit by leveraging the growing consumer demand.
4.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•Examine the components of the financial system including markets, financial institutions, the Federal Reserve, and laws and regulations.
•Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary business.
•Write clearly and concisely about contemporary business using proper writing mechanics.

Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.


Points: 190

Assignment 5: Financial Management


Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A
1. Select two (2) tech stock companies that attempted to make profits from rising consumer demand after the crash. Analyze how they attempted to make a profit after the crash and discuss any unethical practices.

Weight: 30%

Did not submit or incompletely selected two (2) tech stock companies that attempted to make profits from rising consumer demand after the crash; did not submit or incompletely analyzed how they attempted to make a profit after the crash; did not submit or incompletely discussed any unethical practices.

Partially selected two (2) tech stock companies that attempted to make profits from rising consumer demand after the crash; partially analyzed how they attempted to make a profit after the crash; partially discussed any unethical practices.

Satisfactorily selected two (2) tech stock companies that attempted to make profits from rising consumer demand after the crash; satisfactorily analyzed how they attempted to make a profit after the crash; satisfactorily discussed any unethical practices.

Thoroughly selected two (2) tech stock companies that attempted to make profits from rising consumer demand after the crash; thoroughly analyzed how they attempted to make a profit after the crash; thoroughly discussed any unethical practices.
2. Evaluate the change in consumer demand trends after the crash for each of the tech stock companies you researched. Provide examples with your evaluation and use graphics such as charts, when applicable.
Weight: 30%

Did not submit or incompletely evaluated the change in consumer demand trends after the crash for each of the tech stock companies you researched; did not submit or incompletely provided examples with your evaluation; did not submit or incompletely used graphics such as charts, when applicable.

Partially evaluated the change in consumer demand trends after the crash for each of the tech stock companies you researched; partially provided examples with your evaluation; partially used graphics such as charts, when applicable.

Satisfactorily evaluated the change in consumer demand trends after the crash for each of the tech stock companies you researched; satisfactorily provided examples with your evaluation; satisfactorily used graphics such as charts, when applicable.

Thoroughly evaluated the change in consumer demand trends after the crash for each of the tech stock companies you researched; thoroughly provided examples with your evaluation; thoroughly used graphics such as charts, when applicable.
3. Discuss at least two (2) strategies that multinational corporations (MNCs) can undertake in order to make profit by leveraging the growing consumer demand.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely discussed at least two (2) strategies that multinational corporations (MNCs) can undertake in order to make profit by leveraging the growing consumer demand.

Partially discussed at least two (2) strategies that multinational corporations (MNCs) can undertake in order to make profit by leveraging the growing consumer demand.

Satisfactorily discussed at least two (2) strategies that multinational corporations (MNCs) can undertake in order to make profit by leveraging the growing consumer demand.

Thoroughly discussed at least two (2) strategies that multinational corporations (MNCs) can undertake in order to make profit by leveraging the growing consumer demand.
4. 5 references

Weight: 5%

No references provided

Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices.

Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements

Weight: 10%

More than 6 errors present

5-6 errors present

3-4 errors present

0-2 errors present


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Order Description

based this assignment on Qantas Airlines Limited and Virgin Australia Holdings Limited.

Below is your assignment for this subject. Please read the brief and instructions thoroughly.

Your task is to compare and contrast the historical (for the last 2 years) and expected future performance of a listed company and a competitor in a similar line of business, and present your findings in the form of a report which will cover both qualitative and quantitative performance elements in a logical cohesive format.

The qualitative component of your discussion should include (but is not constrained to):

?    A BRIEF background on each company including how they are placed within the industry.
?    A BRIEF overview of the recent stock price movements for both companies.
?    The impact of general local and global economic conditions on the companies (if any).
?    Industry trends and an assessment of each company’s ability to cope with these.
The quantitative component should include:

?    An initial analysis of trends in the items contained in the profit and loss statements, balance sheets and statements of cash flows; appropriate relevant ratios (do not use multiple ratios which measure the same thing) measuring profitability, liquidity, working capital management, leverage/gearing and financial risk (market-based ratios).

?    A highlighting of the most important changes within these ratios and an identification of the reasons for these changes.

?    A comparison of the quantitative analysis for the two companies and an identification of the reasons for any differences.

Taking into account the quantitative and qualitative analysis you are then required to make a recommendation, which will fall into one of the following three categories:

?    Invest in the company
?    Invest in the competitor
?    Invest in neither

You should include a conclusion in which you comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your overall analysis encompassing what your analysis has accomplished and what are its limitations.?

?In order to start this assignment you will need to locate and extract the financial statements of the latest Annual Report and Financial Statements (comprising two years information) of your chosen publicly listed company that is listed on a stock exchange such as the Australian Stock Exchange (www.asx.com.au). ?It is recommended that you locate the Annual Report and Financial Statements soon after commencing the subject. Refer to the financial statements of your chosen company while studying topics in the subject so that you become familiar with the company and its operations. Calculate the various ratios based on the data in the financial statements. Do not calculate every ratio listed in the textbook. You should be selective and only go beyond the major ratios, which are discussed in the textbook, if you have decided that further detailed analysis of an aspect of the statements will better enable the development or justification of a recommendation to management.?Analyse the ratios and the data from the financial statements to evaluate the company’s operations and performance. The quality of this analysis is very important – much more important than the quantity of ratios or the calculation of ratios. Ratio calculation is expected to be accurate, but the majority of marks will be earned by demonstrating your understanding of ratio analysis and its uses. Hence, you should focus on analysis: on the implications of the ratios you present and on the explanation of the interaction between ratios.?Place the ratio calculations in an appropriate appendix so that the body of the report only states the result of the calculation (e.g. ‘…argument is supported by a debtors collection period of 26 days’) and not the process of calculating it. Pay attention to the presentation of this appendix so that it is user friendly and it is easy to locate any ratio.?Include referencing so that you clearly acknowledge your sources of information. Your sources may include articles from the financial press, financial commentators and internet resources that you may have used to strengthen your analysis.?Please remember to submit a hyperlink to the annual reports within the reference list in your assignment.

Assignment Assessment Criteria
1. Principles used (for example, number and understanding of concepts referred to, their influence on the structure of this paper, number and correct citations of references, use of appropriate jargon.
2. Application of those principles, that is, the analysis and evaluation of the example problem based on the principles, including the final recommendations and their justification.
3. How well the example problem was described, including the extent and depth of information (including the data) about it that was accessed.
4. Structure and presentation.
5. Style, grammar and language.

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Order Description

based this assignment on Qantas Airlines Limited and Virgin Australia Holdings Limited.

Below is your assignment for this subject. Please read the brief and instructions thoroughly.

Your task is to compare and contrast the historical (for the last 2 years) and expected future performance of a listed company and a competitor in a similar line of business, and present your findings in the form of a report which will cover both qualitative and quantitative performance elements in a logical cohesive format.

The qualitative component of your discussion should include (but is not constrained to):

?    A BRIEF background on each company including how they are placed within the industry.
?    A BRIEF overview of the recent stock price movements for both companies.
?    The impact of general local and global economic conditions on the companies (if any).
?    Industry trends and an assessment of each company’s ability to cope with these.
The quantitative component should include:

?    An initial analysis of trends in the items contained in the profit and loss statements, balance sheets and statements of cash flows; appropriate relevant ratios (do not use multiple ratios which measure the same thing) measuring profitability, liquidity, working capital management, leverage/gearing and financial risk (market-based ratios).

?    A highlighting of the most important changes within these ratios and an identification of the reasons for these changes.

?    A comparison of the quantitative analysis for the two companies and an identification of the reasons for any differences.

Taking into account the quantitative and qualitative analysis you are then required to make a recommendation, which will fall into one of the following three categories:

?    Invest in the company
?    Invest in the competitor
?    Invest in neither

You should include a conclusion in which you comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your overall analysis encompassing what your analysis has accomplished and what are its limitations.?

?In order to start this assignment you will need to locate and extract the financial statements of the latest Annual Report and Financial Statements (comprising two years information) of your chosen publicly listed company that is listed on a stock exchange such as the Australian Stock Exchange (www.asx.com.au). ?It is recommended that you locate the Annual Report and Financial Statements soon after commencing the subject. Refer to the financial statements of your chosen company while studying topics in the subject so that you become familiar with the company and its operations. Calculate the various ratios based on the data in the financial statements. Do not calculate every ratio listed in the textbook. You should be selective and only go beyond the major ratios, which are discussed in the textbook, if you have decided that further detailed analysis of an aspect of the statements will better enable the development or justification of a recommendation to management.?Analyse the ratios and the data from the financial statements to evaluate the company’s operations and performance. The quality of this analysis is very important – much more important than the quantity of ratios or the calculation of ratios. Ratio calculation is expected to be accurate, but the majority of marks will be earned by demonstrating your understanding of ratio analysis and its uses. Hence, you should focus on analysis: on the implications of the ratios you present and on the explanation of the interaction between ratios.?Place the ratio calculations in an appropriate appendix so that the body of the report only states the result of the calculation (e.g. ‘…argument is supported by a debtors collection period of 26 days’) and not the process of calculating it. Pay attention to the presentation of this appendix so that it is user friendly and it is easy to locate any ratio.?Include referencing so that you clearly acknowledge your sources of information. Your sources may include articles from the financial press, financial commentators and internet resources that you may have used to strengthen your analysis.?Please remember to submit a hyperlink to the annual reports within the reference list in your assignment.

Assignment Assessment Criteria
1. Principles used (for example, number and understanding of concepts referred to, their influence on the structure of this paper, number and correct citations of references, use of appropriate jargon.
2. Application of those principles, that is, the analysis and evaluation of the example problem based on the principles, including the final recommendations and their justification.
3. How well the example problem was described, including the extent and depth of information (including the data) about it that was accessed.
4. Structure and presentation.
5. Style, grammar and language.

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